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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

A dedicated forum for discussion about the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Fact Check Articles (Links & Excerpts only)
29-01-24 14:36
21 8.9K
Mental health and CoVid-19 12...2425
26-10-22 13:58
1.2K 136.1K
Ireland Coronavirus Cases & Deaths
02-01-21 3:49
3 5.6K
Coronavirus resources
28-02-20 11:37
9 143.9K
Forum Charter [READ BEFORE POSTING] + Megathread links
19-06-19 3:09
2 10.8K
Covid 19 Part XXXV-956,720 ROI (5,952 deaths) 452,946 NI (3,002 deaths) (08/01) Read OP 12...947948
02-12-24 21:21
47.4K 3.2M
Anyone else feel ashamed of getting the Covid shots? 12...2627
28-11-24 12:56
1.3K 39.7K
To Mask or not to two - Mask Megathread cont. 12...173174
18-11-24 0:44
8.7K 330.2K
COVID-19 in Summer 2024 123
29-10-24 11:17
126 9K
Register for vaccine
28-10-24 23:14
3 251
Working From Home Megathread 12...156157
23-10-24 19:50
7.9K 535.5K
Vaccine Megathread No 2 - Read OP before posting 12...178179
06-10-24 22:27
8.9K 784.1K
People who tested positive, how are you feeling? 12...1718
07-09-24 13:08
879 165.6K
Have NPHET lost the attention of people? 12...4647
19-06-24 11:28
2.3K 174.4K
Most Comical/Hysterical COVID News Stories of the past few years 12...89
06-06-24 22:58
444 18.5K
Officially How many "waves" of COVID in total ?
02-02-24 19:41
0 91
"Nobody cares about Covid anymore" 12...2526
25-01-24 16:26
1.3K 51.5K
Anti-vax/science/lockdown folks facing consequences in the courts 12...1011
24-10-23 14:51
505 22.3K
Sweden avoiding lockdown 12...202203
09-09-23 13:28
10.1K 600.6K
Experiences of paxlovid?
14-08-23 1:17
27 1.1K
Reflection on the pandemic: questions about the authorities' response. 12...2930
02-08-23 7:26
1.5K 42.9K
23-07-23 17:41
3 551
Vaccination And Recovery certificates on App
08-07-23 0:53
3 291
The Pandemic is officially over! 123
10-06-23 20:30
115 5.7K
Moved: Met Police Stop Attending Mental Health 999 calls
29-05-23 12:02
0 1
Is there a particularly manky cold going around? (Start of May)
03-05-23 12:34
2 541
So Covid is supposed to have killed 7million people now. How many of them people would have died?
29-04-23 10:04
27 1.4K
How many times have you tested positive for covid
20-04-23 18:56
31 1.7K
Anyone ever got Covid while travelling/touring?
14-03-23 17:35
6 361
If pcr is neg but antigen is pos
13-03-23 13:43
29 1.2K
Close contact - how long these days before you are in the clear?
12-03-23 12:54
45 2K
Boosters 12...4546
22-02-23 2:42
2.3K 84.7K
Have you enjoyed working from home? 123
18-01-23 20:33
105 7.5K
Reporting Vaccine side effects.
05-01-23 15:58
0 221
The Ivermectin discussion 12...2829
01-01-23 12:32
1.4K 50.7K