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Dublin male spared jail for knife attack on woman as young toddler watched. 12
26-11-21 13:04
47 1.5K
The country is going well or disastrously depending on how you look at it 12...1011
25-11-21 18:34
309 7.8K
Black History Month Ireland, why? 12...1415
24-11-21 19:00
427 12.6K
OPEC and Russia now in full control of global energy markets
23-11-21 21:03
12 481
Corruption in charities 12...1617
23-11-21 19:27
496 41.9K
"The Great Resignation" 123
22-11-21 14:46
70 2.9K
Kyle Rittenhouse found not guilty 12...6061
21-11-21 16:28
1.8K 38.2K
HSE - Settlement without admission of liability
21-11-21 1:29
21 606
Tennis star Peng Shuai disappeared by the Chinese after making a sexual assault claim
20-11-21 23:05
14 563
Fully suspended sentence for man who broke into woman's home and sexually assaulted her in b 123
20-11-21 21:46
62 2.6K
Merged: how accomodation agencies really operate ?
20-11-21 16:49
0 1
Graham Dwyer - latest 12...1415
19-11-21 16:15
426 55.2K
Parents found guilty of mutilating one year daughters genitals 12...1011
18-11-21 21:04
309 24.8K
More housing objections by the opposition and Boyd Barrett. 12...45
18-11-21 15:44
126 3.9K
The future of the British monarchy after QE? 1234
18-11-21 15:07
106 3.4K
Jay Bourke and the Battle of Berlin
17-11-21 20:34
21 2.3K
Austin Currie RIP
16-11-21 15:12
15 412
Eight people dead at Travis Scott concert
15-11-21 23:39
29 1.1K
Kidnapped female French jogger made up whole thing... 123
15-11-21 19:04
68 3.7K
Parental leave
12-11-21 22:09
2 121
Western IQ's plummeting - Why? 123
12-11-21 17:41
90 6.4K
Seanie Fitz. RIP 12...56
12-11-21 16:39
175 9.5K
GP Surgeries - are you allowed in yet?
11-11-21 2:26
28 611
The Horse Slapper
10-11-21 14:02
16 803
Michael D Higgins insists he is President of Ireland, refuses to commemorate partition 12...6869
10-11-21 1:15
2K 41.1K
The Disappearance of Cleo Smith- Australia 123
08-11-21 22:59
62 4.5K
Sexual assault at high school in the State of Virginia. 12...89
08-11-21 17:51
256 6K
I think I've just discovered FF play to stay relevant
08-11-21 16:51
2 171
Climate Action Plan 12...1415
08-11-21 11:50
446 20.4K
Court cases & reporting
08-11-21 9:25
3 182