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A place for frank exchanges of views on serious and at-times controversial topics

Teach na nGealt

Comhrá, allagar agus plé as Gaeilge.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Brian Dennehy dies at 81
17-04-20 1:59
29 1.7K
Ultimate 80's/90's Nostalgia Show Tournament 12...6263
08-11-19 22:43
1.9K 42.9K
How much bread is too much to consume...
16-04-20 23:31
19 1.2K
The Purge 3 PurgeyMcPurgeface 12...2122
11-04-20 1:42
638 16.1K
Is everyone a bit bisexual? 12...67
14-04-20 16:04
189 15.3K
When did you last go to the barbers/hairdressers? 123
15-04-20 2:19
72 4.3K
What were they thinking?
16-04-20 0:44
12 1.4K
Sorry but can we just have a moment to appreciate.... 12
16-04-20 4:12
34 2.4K
Fruit company flies in 100s to pick strawberries
17-04-20 15:11
4 345
Today is Monday
15-04-20 19:09
23 950
13-04-20 0:01
8 953
Michael Buble and his wife
16-04-20 8:41
18 2.3K
[Video] Northern Irish anti-terrorism ad 1993 12
15-04-20 5:35
35 1.3K
Audiobook recommendations 12
09-06-18 21:22
51 3.1K
Trainee Garda launches High Court action against dismissal. 12
15-04-20 16:28
31 3.3K
ScareMongering - Do People get a kick out of it or what?
14-04-20 20:43
29 1.3K
Licenses for extensive breeding
11-04-20 19:29
14 1.2K
What message is this stance trying to portray? 123
31-12-19 19:56
86 10.1K
What is up with people's obsession with quizzes? 12
09-04-20 21:09
42 2.7K
Trevor Deely case - new witness 12...3940
15-04-20 15:43
1.2K 237.4K
Why do women like preparing and making food 12
13-04-20 22:07
33 2.4K
Posts from 14 years ago showing up on 1st page again
15-04-20 11:00
15 830
Discrediting old irish legends 123
03-11-19 21:15
78 9.6K
Neighbors strange behavior on terrace, considering ringing gardai
15-04-20 10:26
0 209
15-04-20 2:26
4 305
Your band name 12...78
15-04-20 8:28
222 9.2K
A miscellaneous discussion on digestive treats 1234
03-04-20 13:25
103 4.7K
An Irish Dream
14-04-20 15:09
10 522
Are Conspiracy Theories a good thing?
14-04-20 12:53
4 144
People who think they don't like U2 12...45
11-04-20 19:33
146 7.6K