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A place for frank exchanges of views on serious and at-times controversial topics

Teach na nGealt

Comhrá, allagar agus plé as Gaeilge.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Regrets, I've had a few....
26-04-19 23:25
17 1.7K
Do you ever recover from an awkward adolescence?
18-03-21 13:08
22 1.5K
Strange things your teacher did? (MOD NOTE in op) 12...1011
02-03-21 0:20
313 39.6K
How is your Wednesday going
17-03-21 21:06
26 936
Worst takeaway meal you've ever eaten? 12...78
21-02-21 21:00
221 22.6K
Happy St Patrick's Day! 12
17-03-21 0:27
40 2K
Sunny D
17-03-21 20:05
8 599
The truth about the Irish and the English 12...45
01-03-21 12:56
136 8.5K
Where did America go wrong? 12...78
17-03-21 12:13
236 14.3K
Periods in history that interest you 12...56
13-03-21 20:53
180 8.7K
What do you have to earn to be rich? 12...67
30-12-19 20:24
191 24.2K
One Last remark about Two and a half Men
16-03-21 21:33
10 649
Say something nice about U2 and/or Bono 12...56
12-03-21 22:13
172 9.1K
There is a generation that has not grown up with ....... 12...3738
15-11-20 2:24
1.1K 65K
Do you collect anything? 12...45
20-02-21 14:03
148 8.9K
Ambulances everywhere
13-03-21 3:20
29 2.5K
Things that would shock Oprah Winfrey 12
12-03-21 17:04
43 3.2K
Weirdest call/text/email you've gotten?
11-03-21 13:18
28 2.7K
How far can we get 100 euro? 12
12-03-21 16:52
33 2.5K
Conspiracy Theorists 12...45
09-03-21 16:46
131 5.6K
RIP Murray Walker 12
13-03-21 19:25
46 2.5K
Fav Ross O'Carroll-Kelly phrases? 12...56
18-05-11 13:21
171 62.4K
Tommy Tiernan Accent
13-03-21 23:09
21 1.7K
Best/worst Irish accents? 1234
14-03-21 12:45
97 6K
British Strategic interest in Northern Ireland 12...45
12-03-21 18:48
128 6.3K
Will gender roles ever disappear in dating? 12
14-03-21 14:40
58 3.3K
Charlie Hebo, the Queen and Markle 12
15-03-21 4:24
60 3.4K
WTF is going on with onions?
14-03-21 13:33
17 1.6K
The ****e we buy
14-03-21 1:31
7 630
If you hadnt married/in serious relationship where would you be now?
12-03-21 0:37
25 2.3K