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A place for frank exchanges of views on serious and at-times controversial topics

Teach na nGealt

Comhrá, allagar agus plé as Gaeilge.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
God should be cancelled 123
19-03-21 11:54
79 3.5K
Residents object to 100% social housing - snobs or realists? 12...1112
23-03-21 19:37
348 20.9K
Time for another Northern Ireland thread...
23-03-21 14:58
5 175
Allen v Farrow
23-03-21 15:13
0 4K
Neighbors car.
23-03-21 4:22
21 2.5K
If we had similar laws to US would you own a gun? 12...89
23-03-21 11:07
253 9.9K
Funeral 12
19-03-21 22:44
59 4.5K
McWilliams > Ireland has too many stockbrokers and lawyers, not enough engineers 12
23-03-21 9:56
60 4.6K
Have you ever met people from boards? 1234
20-03-21 1:16
91 7.3K
Physical Assaults & bullies...
15-03-21 14:02
22 1.6K
22-03-21 23:01
2 307
Disgusting coworkers
22-03-21 21:46
14 2.8K
Has anyone ever had an addiction to codeine and managed to overcome it?
22-03-21 2:20
0 475
When was the last time you shook someone's hand? 1234
20-03-21 1:16
100 3.3K
Rugby League in Ireland
22-03-21 0:03
0 117
Youtube confirm age
21-03-21 23:51
0 374
Hot Stuff Restaurant Franchise
21-03-21 18:28
1 282
Is it doxxing to post Blindboy's real name?
20-03-21 17:20
2 529
Make A Fast Food Restaurant List You Wish Ireland Had 12
19-03-21 23:21
34 1.6K
White Briton’s will be a minority by 2066 12
20-03-21 5:40
46 2.5K
Investigation launched after Dublin man keeps getting blue balls at the beach
20-03-21 4:04
0 327
Things that glamorous women do to stay Young 12
19-03-21 10:39
34 2.4K
Talking thrash /gossiping about people behind their backs
19-03-21 20:33
2 195
Who in your opinion is the most attractive person over 50 in the world today?
19-03-21 18:40
1 284
Tanora 12
19-03-21 1:59
40 1.2K
18-03-21 16:20
11 1.3K
Changing bed sheets 123
17-03-21 20:12
66 4.9K
“Don’t ruin your kids”: Drag Queen speaks out against Drag Story Hour in viral vid 12
26-01-20 16:23
40 3.8K
Could you drink the American way ? 123
16-03-21 23:31
90 7.2K
Regrets, I've had a few....
26-04-19 23:25
17 1.7K