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eir broadband

Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Replace Eir Router with TPlink AX5400 or add Asus RX8 for better Wifi - FTTH in place in Broadband
31-12-24 10:04
4 156
New build house: not wired for fibre to the home 12 in Broadband
08-04-24 11:15
84 6.3K
Anyone with experience of switching from Eir FTTC to Pure FTTC? in Broadband
10-02-24 22:53
8 391
Android Box in Broadband
29-11-23 12:11
0 81
Eir Network in Mobiles
07-09-21 11:00
1 102
Eir Broadband - Help in Broadband
18-01-21 11:40
0 65
Eir -worst customer care support and experience i've had, so far !! in Consumer Issues
27-12-20 13:37
7 833
Cancelling Eir Broadband! in Consumer Issues
26-11-20 10:29
3 1.9K
EirCom Data Retention Policy in Consumer Issues
27-10-20 18:07
2 216
Why Eir is so bad? in Broadband
23-10-20 13:21
3 304
Can I use the Eir F2000 modem/router with Sky Broadband in Broadband
23-08-20 10:09
0 265
Eir is dog****, recommend me something else in Broadband
31-07-20 18:06
4 413
Eir Moving House Service in Broadband
10-07-20 13:33
0 166
EIR F300 as IP client ? in Broadband
21-04-20 15:30
0 382
Getting (the rest of a) line down for Broadband in Broadband
24-02-20 20:36
0 132
Avoiding phone line disconnection between tenants in Accommodation & Property
15-10-19 16:10
9 1.1K
Eir Fibre in rural area. How good is it? in Broadband
25-09-19 9:22
3 356
Internet Speed Lower than it should be ? in Broadband
19-09-19 12:06
18 635
Eir in Broadband
12-05-19 8:28
11 1.2K
EIR Inactive on in Broadband
22-07-19 11:32
3 379
Eir/Eircom Broadband outage today / tonight. in Broadband
29-06-19 23:15
6 763
No Eircode = no broadband in Broadband
24-01-19 15:53
25 2.3K
Leave Broadband Contract Early - Implications in Broadband
14-12-18 16:41
5 450
Alternative to Eir Router F2000 in Broadband
01-12-18 19:11
12 1.3K
Eir Holding times in Broadband
22-11-18 15:47
6 337
Location Settings in Eir modem D2000 in Broadband
23-02-18 19:55
7 528
Difficulty with Broadband Install in Broadband
18-10-17 17:21
5 908
TV/broadband wiring etc. in a new build in Cable & MMDS & IPTV
09-08-17 19:20
10 1.1K
Leaving EIR made so difficult...Billy to jack to cancel in Broadband
24-07-17 12:10
0 333
Eir Broadband Issue.. Anyone experiencing similar??? in Broadband
16-07-17 20:18
4 451