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Discussion on Health & Fitness matters covering exercise and diet. For Weight Watchers and Power Lifters alike.

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Discuss aspects of nutrition, diet and healthy eating. Please contact your doctor or nutritionist before embarking on any new diet.
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Excellent review of new protein research
05-02-10 19:16
10 1.9K
Weight loss
06-02-10 0:58
5 825
Advice on my routine in general
05-02-10 11:31
4 635
advice on diet and training
05-02-10 15:29
7 976
Getting good at squats/deadlifts with tight hamstrings?
06-01-10 12:35
17 6.2K
Has anyone tried this Crossfit Style Workout aimed at strength athletes/powerlifters?
05-02-10 12:06
6 693
Hamstring Injury- Advice Needed :(
05-02-10 11:52
1 386
Changing a belt on a treadmill
05-02-10 9:49
0 288
Gym for self conscious individual 12
24-01-10 20:12
37 4.2K
help needed please.
02-02-10 17:31
2 547
what can ya do when sore?
03-02-10 18:33
18 1.8K
Training Abs
04-02-10 23:35
4 617
join irish strongman on face book
03-02-10 15:19
5 1.4K
Jackie Skelly Ballsbridge Vs. SV Fitness IFSC
18-08-07 18:10
8 3.5K
Diet help - undereating
03-02-10 23:00
8 847
Plateus and resets
03-02-10 23:42
3 568
We're on the Radio Tonight at 10pm
13-01-10 16:55
16 1.8K
UL Open & Munster Weightlifting Championships
04-02-10 13:58
0 701
sports nutrition
04-02-10 13:21
0 357
03-02-10 10:11
5 730
Help if ya get a chance please
03-02-10 16:30
5 732
Body split?
02-02-10 22:10
17 1.6K
Best exercises for chest width
03-02-10 16:38
11 2.1K
Full body or split muscle groups?
02-02-10 22:15
25 1.8K
12-16 weeks on crutches - what can I do?
03-02-10 20:01
1 482
Push-ups bodyweight %
03-02-10 18:45
1 455
Looking for gym buddy/ies at Westwood Clontarf
03-02-10 18:41
0 497
What did you eat yesterday?? 123
02-02-10 17:05
83 5.4K
Looking for Personal Trainer
04-01-10 22:55
8 1.5K
China Show - the magical slimming herb/tablet 12
18-05-06 12:44
44 24.7K