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Atheism & Agnosticism

Oh, we of little faith
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
State Endows Religion - €9 million per year 1234
20-02-13 15:43
99 7.1K
Hypocrisy and religions. Your pet peeves. 12
05-08-13 17:08
48 4.8K
Bishop of Meath bans eulogies at funeral masses 1234
12-08-13 11:42
108 9.9K
Women are from venus and god is from...Mars?.... 12
29-08-13 8:37
42 2.6K
atheism/Alpha Centauri/Confused Ban& Enda. 123
25-08-13 5:48
66 4.5K
Vincent Browne's Challenging God 12...1011
19-08-11 9:42
302 27.8K
Godless students 123
13-08-13 14:23
77 7.8K
So you want a non-religious funeral? 12
16-08-13 15:07
41 3.9K
Explaining to kids... 1234
13-08-13 10:23
104 7K
Things youth defence hates.. 12...1819
21-07-12 3:00
567 64.5K
It seems we're mentally ill now... 12
15-08-13 10:13
36 3K
Dabholkar shot dead in Pune
21-08-13 7:58
0 326
Rowan Williams tells 'persecuted' western Christians to grow up
16-08-13 11:26
1 572
Atheists are smarter than Theists 123
12-08-13 18:27
73 4.7K
We're being scared into turning to God....
13-08-13 7:59
14 1.6K
Catholicism in Ireland; How long has it got left? 12...78
17-07-13 16:21
226 16.7K
Why do religious believers need 'faith'? 12...45
06-08-13 20:44
137 7.8K
Why Don't You Believe in God? 12...1516
01-08-13 0:31
453 25.1K
Standard of life as an Atheist 12
12-08-13 2:51
60 3.9K
Freedom from religion group attack Holocaust Memorial's Star of David 12...67
26-07-13 14:55
188 10.9K
Matter or god have always existed 123
08-08-13 23:49
61 4.6K
TYT Interview with Reza Aslan, Author of 'Zealot'
08-08-13 14:03
20 2.1K
Who killed more people in the Bible? God or Satan?
09-08-13 14:25
27 1.5K
Shelly Miscavige, wife of Scientology leader, reported missing by actress Leah Remini
09-08-13 3:01
6 974
Cults could disappear by 2041 CE
08-08-13 12:47
1 375
Nationalism. 12...45
06-08-13 21:04
139 8.5K
Whats the story with this angel craze 123
02-08-13 23:25
68 5.6K
do atheists have a back up plan if God exists? 12...45
15-07-13 20:13
138 10.2K
Pope Francis: "Who am I to judge gay people?"
29-07-13 14:57
29 2.5K
Where will religion be in 100 years? 12
30-07-13 16:53
46 3.1K