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Atheism & Agnosticism

Oh, we of little faith
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Catholic church about to canonise a mass murderer
20-11-13 0:50
20 1.6K
Catholic Church all over the Phillippines disaster like a rash 12...45
14-11-13 13:12
147 7.9K
Can you help explain this to me?
19-11-13 16:12
25 1.7K
Atheist Organisations or Groups
19-11-13 18:51
14 618
Light bulbs fixed themselves
16-11-13 12:01
26 1.5K
Where these Scientologists outside of the GPO yesterday? 123
04-11-13 9:22
61 5.4K
United Nations to ask Ireland about secular issues raised by Atheist Ireland
12-11-13 14:48
5 842
Please do this Today to help Separate Church and State in Ireland 123
28-10-13 0:59
63 4.3K
Religion & Spirituality, really? 123
03-11-13 17:58
89 4.6K
Teach Don't Preach: new secular education website launched 12
02-01-11 18:04
32 3.8K
Religion for animals 1234
11-09-13 22:53
100 7.4K
The Atheist Book - A Better Life
05-11-13 13:33
26 1.5K
Let me aware you on all Internet Atheists (Dial Up/Mobile Data Unfriendly!) 12...45
21-10-13 1:48
138 11.9K
The ethics of termination of fetal life if ex-utero gestation technology develops
02-11-13 22:34
24 1.7K
Respecting a belief because it is based on religion? 12...89
03-10-13 12:35
255 12.4K
Theists insist on labeling us ... 123
25-10-13 21:08
81 4.4K
Self defeating religious arguments 12
26-10-13 8:19
47 3.5K
Atheist Ireland on Draft Education Bill 2013
31-10-13 0:54
2 674
10 Reasons for Man to Leave Religion Behind
29-10-13 20:33
5 699
An atheist way of looking at death (and life) 12
23-10-13 10:52
57 3.8K
Dawkins on Newstalk (Autobiography) 123
12-09-13 10:25
78 4.9K
Is Atheist Ireland damaging Atheism? 12...67
20-10-13 22:12
210 12.3K
Inspirational Quotes 12
19-11-11 17:18
38 3.9K
The sex that god can't see
25-10-13 2:45
0 487
A Secular Constitution for a Pluralist people
18-10-13 12:41
7 799
Sean Healy 12
17-10-13 23:55
43 2.2K
Filthy Heathens, what is your drink of choice? 12...45
12-11-12 15:18
127 6.4K
Referendum time! Abolish the Senate, Create a Court of Appeal? 12...45
30-09-13 14:11
122 6K
Consent and blame. 123
14-10-13 12:19
84 3.7K
First communion versus One Direction 123
10-10-13 11:10
77 6.4K