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Atheism & Agnosticism

Oh, we of little faith
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
The Treaty of Tripoli & United States Founding Fathers Separation of Church & State
16-10-13 15:42
8 672
Should I give in to Eid? 123
09-10-13 21:14
79 5.6K
Postmodernism. 12
14-08-13 2:39
56 4.9K
If you see a Bible at your referendum voting centre 12...67
04-10-13 14:59
194 7.9K
If G. . . . .... BISCUITS!! ! !
10-10-13 13:29
25 1.3K
Taxes. 12...67
02-10-13 15:05
186 8K
Joseph Atwill
09-10-13 16:06
21 1.2K
Buddhist pogrom in Miramar
02-10-13 20:11
2 632
Gilmore gets legal advice over swearing to God as Agnostic 1234
27-07-13 11:43
95 7.2K
Marriage 12
02-10-13 13:17
44 2.9K
Christmas shoeboxes 1234
10-10-12 10:02
102 13.3K
Ireland first course on Atheism to be launched in schooll 12...56
22-09-13 15:58
165 9K
Pope gives his view on lots of stuff he's sick of people talking about 1234
19-09-13 17:05
93 7.5K
Ploughing Championships 12
24-09-13 22:29
42 3K
Forgive Me, A&A, For I Feel I have Gone to the Dark Side 12
24-09-13 12:59
44 3.6K
Secularist Education Advocating Banning Religion? 12...1920
02-09-13 22:24
574 26.6K
Communism and Marxism in relationship to atheism 12
21-09-13 21:09
33 2K
And it begins.................. 12...67
07-09-13 22:21
203 14.3K
Did you baptise your kids? (Atheist parents poll) 12...910
22-08-13 23:46
298 20.8K
US Priest Sentenced to 50 Years for Child Porn, bishop convicted for not reporting it
13-09-13 12:51
7 1.2K
Atheist Elite College. 12...1213
06-06-11 11:22
363 19K
Dawkins Trivialises Paedophilia 12...56
13-09-13 1:31
152 10.6K
Catholic intolerance 123
05-09-13 10:05
83 6.5K
A Quest For De-Baptism In France 123
31-01-12 9:27
83 8.8K
01-09-13 11:07
47 4.3K
Pope proclaims all redeemed, even atheists. 12...67
22-05-13 19:54
205 17.7K
Why is religion still a school subject? 1234
07-03-13 22:37
91 8.7K
Doctor refuses to prescribe the pill on religious grounds 1234
30-08-13 11:27
91 7.6K
Were you religious before you were atheist? 12...45
07-08-13 13:55
135 7.8K
Crazy Christians on the Streets 12
26-08-13 12:51
36 2.9K