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Photographic art, equipment and advice.

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Cameras & Accessories

Discussion of Cameras, Lenses, Photographic Accessories & Gear.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
getting to photograph one of my fav bands
20-02-15 10:14
18 2.3K
How do you sort and rate with Lightroom?
19-06-15 18:35
5 782
Canon 5D Mk iii's on Buy and sell.
19-06-15 22:00
6 862
Irish Times Amateur Photographer 2015
02-04-15 10:18
16 2.8K
Mail Order film processor ?
24-06-15 21:08
4 404
Confused re crop sensors
21-06-15 10:55
10 750
Is it possible to insure your equipment?
11-03-15 0:08
10 1.2K
POTW 261: 16/5/15 - 22/5/15
20-06-15 19:27
1 416
College Help - DIT v IADT
15-06-15 12:15
2 731
Photoshop night course
17-06-15 21:08
2 704
18-01-13 17:45
10 2.5K
Challenge 158: One
04-06-15 16:41
30 3.4K
POTW 260: 9/5/15 - 15/5/15
15-06-15 20:34
1 708
Urgent need help
16-06-15 19:42
5 743
Tough Mudder
06-10-14 0:26
18 2.9K
Groupon Ireland Scam!
16-06-15 10:41
5 1.3K
A new toy
19-03-15 8:50
10 2.1K
Job help
12-06-15 6:54
1 529
Anyone looking to do a quick photography course?
02-04-15 12:27
4 1.6K
Request for Critique, please
16-05-15 11:23
32 2.9K
Challenge 157: Tea / Coffee
21-05-15 8:54
16 3K
Dublin : Sunset photography Monday night May 25th
24-05-15 18:03
11 1.2K
Photographer wanted for Dublin based electronic/indie artist.
09-06-15 23:52
0 19
looking for members to join photography club
09-06-15 19:23
1 600
Does anyone know how to format a picture?
06-06-15 21:38
8 885
Damage to old photographs
23-05-15 19:53
1 913
Equipment Rental
04-06-15 8:28
2 673
POTW 259: 2/5/15 - 8/5/15
06-06-15 12:09
3 712
Protecting Camera in the desert.
04-06-15 17:25
2 539
Pictures are not as sharp here compared to my Flickr.
25-05-15 7:39
12 1.7K