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Challenge 146: Mobile phone - Land/Sea/Cityscapes

  • 10-12-2014 7:59am
    Registered Users Posts: 285 ✭✭

    Not everyone carries their main camera with them when they leave the house.
    But it's safe to say most people will always carry their mobile phone with them when out and about.

    There are a lot of times I don't have my DSLR with me and if it wasn't for my mobile phone I would have missed particular moments that I wanted captured.
    As a result I've been trying to get the most out of my camera phone. Granted it has it's limitations but part of the fun is working around those limitations.

    The idea of this challenge is to push yourself and to use your camera phone to the best of your ability, rather than just using it for snap shots.

    There are a lot of Apps out there that allow for manual control over settings as well as quality processing options.
    Lately I've been using VSCOcam a lot which is free and I find it great for processing photos as well as controlling certain elements of my phone like shutter speed.

    There are no limitations as to how you process your photos (on your phone, on your computer etc). The only limitation is that the photo must be taken on a phone and must be of a Landscape, Seascape and/or Cityscape.

    My example are all Black & White but photos for the challenge can be B&W or Colour. It doesn't matter.

    Opening date will commence at the time of this post.
    Closing date will be 2 weeks from now on Tuesday 23rd Dec 2014 at 8pm (as I imagine people will be very busy on the 24th).
    Only photos taken with this challenge in mind qualify - therefore the photos must be taken from now until the closing date.
    Only 1 photos per post, bust submit as many posts as you like.
    Image size must be no longer than 800px on the longest side.
    The next challenge will be chosen by the person who has the most thanks after the closing date of this challenge.





