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Marriage Equality

  • 23-05-2015 11:17pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,706 ✭✭✭


    Today. Monica and I went into Dublin City to Dublin Castle. The results of the national referendum were being officially announced.

    The city was alive with rainbow colours and joy. It is the start of a new age in our country. The people, led to a greater extent by the younger generation, have made their feelings and their values known. Not just to those who once dominated and directed not just our lives but our thoughts as well. But to the world. And it is a resounding cry for equality.
    I tried to find an image from the day that summed it up for me. This is the best I could do.

    This father will be able to tell his child that they were there at this momentous occasion - when the old became new. And his child will be unimpressed (as they appear now) and ask "what's the big deal about people being allowed to marry whom they love - sure how could it ever be not so?"

    And that's the difference that will be made by the people's decision. Tolerance, equality, love, maturity and understanding will become the norm, not an aspiration.

    Today, for the first time in a long while, I am proud to be Irish.

    What images sum it up for you?
