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Photographic art, equipment and advice.

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Cameras & Accessories

Discussion of Cameras, Lenses, Photographic Accessories & Gear.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
40th Anniversary Photoshoot Any Help Appreciated
29-04-15 22:46
1 458
First boudoir photoshoot
28-04-15 18:12
5 836
Free online tool for black and white presets?
27-04-15 15:43
2 471
A big welcome to a new overlord!
28-04-15 13:41
2 501
ANZAC Centenary
27-04-15 2:11
4 783
Random Photo Thread - discussion
27-04-15 15:22
2 468
Canon 5D or 6D on Finance
18-04-15 18:19
9 1.3K
POTW 253: 21/3/15 - 27/3/15
27-04-15 10:05
0 655
focal lengths and shutter speeds
26-04-15 10:18
5 748
Are there any courses on Photoshop & Lightroom for Photographers?
22-04-15 15:09
6 956
Smart phone enlarger.
23-04-15 12:54
2 702
On Sale Now: Boards Photobook 2014
24-04-15 10:46
1 549
21-04-15 16:12
20 1.6K
Boards Photobook - Cover
20-04-15 6:14
13 1.2K
Challenge 154: Straws
08-04-15 20:28
14 2.1K
Photography for free
21-04-15 19:48
2 828
Printing a book (just 1!)
17-04-15 22:25
9 840
Lightroom Presets
13-04-15 11:33
8 964
Lightroom 6 (CC)
22-04-15 8:34
1 672
Why does photography equipment not come down in price?
21-04-15 17:41
3 799
A special request
13-04-15 11:52
5 1.3K
18-04-15 0:35
8 1.2K
Hanging many photos at home
15-04-15 14:36
9 1.1K
POTW 252: 14/3/15 - 20/3/15
18-04-15 12:26
1 648
Time to submit to the 2014 Photobook.
08-04-15 1:11
2 1.5K
Cork man wins International Photography competition
11-04-15 19:51
12 1.5K
Google VP: Print your photos!
15-04-15 16:22
3 663
POTW 251: 7/3/15 - 13/3/15
11-04-15 11:28
3 850
Why bother? 12
11-04-15 10:54
35 2.9K
Can you upgrade ACR without upgrading photoshop?
15-04-15 19:55
4 416