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Photo London today

  • 23-05-2015 9:37pm
    Registered Users Posts: 186 ✭✭

    I just thought I would write a mini review of Photo London.

    This was the first year that this has happened, but I think that there are plans to make it an annual event. Seriously, if you are in London now (there is one day left – 24 May), or are planning a visit to London next year, then you should seriously contemplate going.

    First off, there was the Sebastiao Selgado ‘Genesis in Platinum’ exhibition. This was nothing exciting as there were only about 25 photos on display, but I wasn’t bothered as I had already seen the full ‘Genesis’ exhibition previously. However, this time the man himself was there and I managed to say ‘hi’ and get a copy of his new (reprinted) ‘Other Americans’ signed.

    Then I got to say hello to Todd Hido and have a copy of ‘On Landscapes, Interiors, and the Nudes’ signed. Seeing massive framed photographs of his work was amazing. If I were a rich man….

    Kaveh Golestan’s ‘Prostitute’ exhibition was really good to see as I was unfamiliar with his work.

    Essentially, many photographers had mini galleries, and the remainder of the rooms were actual galleries displaying work from their sale archives. So yes, it’s a hugely commercial venture, but to see work by Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Frank (yes that does say €70,000), Hido, Selgado, Pentti Sammallahti, Saul Leiter and hundreds more in the same space was absolutely incredible.

    The exhibition space is three floors of Somerset House, so this is a huge event. All the details are here;

    Anyway, £20 well spent for a few hours looking at great work.

    A couple of crappy iphone snaps…

