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A place for frank exchanges of views on serious and at-times controversial topics

Teach na nGealt

Comhrá, allagar agus plé as Gaeilge.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
What should have been left well enough alone? 12...45
31-03-16 7:40
137 13.3K
Telegraph writer compares Easter rising to IS Brussels attack 12...2122
02-04-16 18:15
651 20.2K
A special word for the nurses of Beaumont Hospital
08-04-16 18:37
14 1.3K
Historical moment as SpaceX lands a rocket on a drone ship
08-04-16 22:42
11 559
a One Person Two Vote election
08-04-16 17:16
9 507
Ticket master tickets...any way to change
08-04-16 20:21
1 188
Your euros plans 12
07-04-16 15:58
33 1.4K
Proposed New Runway. 123
08-04-16 19:12
75 4.3K
Sleeping positions 123
06-04-16 0:27
72 4.2K
Is it time for a new National Anthem? 1234
17-12-14 18:13
98 5.6K
"Im proud to be Irish.............
08-04-16 10:05
17 716
The Rathkeale Rovers 12
12-10-12 14:08
36 5.2K
If there was another General Election....
08-04-16 8:46
8 384
Homeless Family Suing SDCC 12
07-04-16 18:20
53 4.8K
Womens skin tones on nights out...
07-04-16 23:54
13 777
career drive and work life balance
08-04-16 0:17
20 1.7K
Wrong date on court summons
07-04-16 23:38
4 476
Trivial things that annoy you threads, etc 12
01-04-16 10:57
60 2.4K
Escaped Prisoner Seeks Advice
07-04-16 15:59
25 1.4K
David McSavage up in court for no TV license
07-04-16 16:38
10 907
Something That Happened That Changed You Forever 123
05-04-16 11:16
84 12.2K
Is this generation too self-entitled? 123
06-04-16 16:50
78 5.4K
XXL Big King burger 12
06-04-16 23:46
40 2.7K
06-04-16 8:17
21 1.2K
Thank you, whoopsa 12...45
01-01-16 22:09
138 13.9K
Mikey the Pikey ?
07-04-16 9:36
12 1K
Violence erupts at circus protest 12...2627
23-03-16 19:58
791 30.8K
Dog Chips. 123
29-03-16 13:31
88 5.1K
Answering the door 12
07-04-16 0:47
55 4.1K
Have you ever had a chip baguette with curry sauce and.. 12
06-04-16 16:33
44 2K