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Take me out,would you go on it?
06-02-10 23:57
14 1.6K
Cocaine Submarines 9pm
04-02-10 21:54
2 450
Why is Shane in Raw such a complete and utter wuss???
07-02-10 22:37
5 623
RTE Player?
31-01-10 18:41
14 2.1K
What is your favourite TV channel and why?
05-02-10 18:03
25 1.7K
The Late Late Show - 05/02 12...67
05-02-10 18:02
210 19.2K
"Stone Cold Sober" - what's the point ? 12...78
09-01-10 22:03
228 25.4K
TV License Change of Address
06-02-10 21:18
1 1.5K
Do you watch ads more with PVR/+ services??
05-02-10 18:45
13 1.6K
The Sarah Silverman Program - Season 3
05-02-10 15:35
9 696
The Saturday Night Show - 30th January 2010 12...89
29-01-10 16:54
266 27.8K
Standard "Whose Power?" Thread
03-02-10 0:27
2 2.3K
RTE Lost Discussion S05E01&02
04-02-10 22:41
16 1.6K
Podcasts - Season 6
05-02-10 19:03
3 560
Lost Season 6 to start on RTE on Feb. 4th 2010 12
13-01-10 13:30
39 11.2K
Herman Rockerfeller Murder
03-02-10 2:17
1 605
HBO's 'Big Love' gets 5th season
05-02-10 18:29
2 494
Just who the hell watches the Katherine Lynch show?
05-02-10 3:00
18 3.7K
Whats been confirmed so far?
05-02-10 18:32
0 485
TV Shows You Would Like to See Released on DVD
05-02-10 1:57
17 1.4K
The Holiday Show - TV3
05-02-10 14:12
3 1.3K
Greatest opening sequence 12
30-01-10 15:30
60 4.4K
31-01-10 13:23
13 1.2K
Charter: IRL/US/UK Threads | Use Of Spoilers | Rules **Important**
05-02-10 10:58
14 22.5K
Season 6 Rumours & Promos *contains spoilers* 12
08-06-09 10:50
53 8.3K
Damages season 3 - RTE 2 (episode 1 02/02/10)
04-02-10 21:36
3 1.4K
[US] 24, Day 8, Hour 3 & 4 [6 p.m. - 8 p.m.] [** SPOILERS WITHIN **] 12
19-01-10 16:10
39 3.3K
the cosmetic surgery show 12
11-01-10 22:23
33 4.8K
Official Comic-con 2009/Season 6 spoilers discussion (**WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS**) 12
24-07-09 15:31
35 4.2K
03-02-10 23:07
1 328