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Racism 12
24-08-19 15:58
31 2.5K
What to do?
14-08-19 21:09
11 3.3K
A lifetime of unhappiness
21-08-19 14:24
3 2K
Feeling disconnected with those closest to me
16-08-19 12:48
6 1.7K
Dating a guy who uses drugs recreationally 12
17-08-19 22:12
50 7.7K
Ongoing relationships issues with my wife
13-08-19 12:11
14 5.5K
I feel helpless and like I’ve no control on my life
18-08-19 15:56
3 922
Conflicted about a course of action
14-08-19 21:04
13 3K
Leave Job?
17-08-19 14:14
4 1.3K
Colleague putting me down 12
05-08-19 14:20
32 5.5K
Unemployed teacher problems 12
28-07-19 14:28
31 6.5K
Awful falling out with friend
05-08-19 14:00
19 5.2K
Wife doesn't want another child 12
09-08-19 12:27
36 7.8K
Sibling Robbing money from father 1234
05-08-19 21:34
113 14.3K
Expecting very bad news from an old friend
02-08-19 16:47
23 7.1K
Going abroad with mental health issues
08-08-19 21:47
10 1.8K
Were these wrong messages
10-08-19 18:17
5 1.6K
Feeling so lost
02-08-19 21:42
9 2.3K
Getting involved in a possible domestic abuse?
01-08-19 22:35
27 4.5K
Should I complain about my neighbour's advances? 12
04-08-19 21:11
46 6.8K
Should I move out or stay longer
05-08-19 21:17
4 1.4K
Sexless relationship
31-07-19 20:11
20 7K
Depressed after car accidents 12
01-08-19 22:29
49 5.2K
family issues
01-08-19 2:13
3 1.6K
How do I stop being so tight with money? 123
22-07-19 20:36
76 11.8K
Brothers not talking.
02-08-19 10:24
3 1.1K
Concerned for my brothers health
27-07-19 15:15
15 3.2K
Neighbours dog
15-07-19 11:21
11 3.1K
Overwhelmed bride leaving home 1234
27-07-19 21:37
109 18.9K
Want to help my mom declutter the house... Possible hoarding
28-07-19 11:04
28 2.5K