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should I have said nothing
09-10-19 14:21
9 2.1K
Dealing with mental health- the fear approach
10-10-19 7:39
1 409
How do I help my elderly neighbour?
25-07-19 12:11
16 4.8K
Friend who thinks everybody is out to get them
06-10-19 9:33
9 2.1K
Liked guy on tinder
28-09-19 22:21
16 4.3K
I Hate Exercise
29-09-19 19:52
26 4.1K
05-10-19 21:19
2 1.1K
Financial aid to go for treatment for alcoholism
29-09-19 23:21
16 2.7K
Severe Body Hang Ups Ruining my Life
05-10-19 21:27
1 967
Friends with Benefits: Any rules?
04-10-19 20:32
23 4.3K
gone through 2 jobs in less than a month
01-10-19 14:47
13 2.6K
Afraid i went over the top at first Aware meeting
03-10-19 16:02
2 1.7K
How be happy...single..never find love 12
13-09-19 20:24
38 8.5K
Drop old acquaintances
22-09-19 16:02
13 2.9K
Family troubles
01-10-19 9:17
12 2.3K
Am I reading too much into it?
02-10-19 9:53
1 1.1K
Am I being unreasonable 12
30-09-19 22:02
45 6.3K
how to decide what is best
25-09-19 14:47
8 2.5K
My mother inherited money 2 years ago and has been incredibly wasteful with it. 1234
21-09-19 18:09
96 12K
Someone set up fake profile of me on dating site
25-09-19 8:49
12 3.3K
I do not know how to help myself
23-09-19 18:39
7 1.9K
Company GP
23-09-19 22:07
10 2.6K
Looking for advice
25-09-19 12:11
14 1.6K
Need to get out of retail before Christmas..
23-09-19 15:31
4 1.5K
Silence in Couunselling
06-09-19 14:43
29 6.3K
22-09-19 19:04
2 1.2K
Brother in crazy mode
21-09-19 15:53
10 2.6K
How to shrug off a friend who cut me off?
06-09-19 16:43
9 3.2K
social anxiety
16-09-19 23:39
8 2.1K
I feel like a child
16-09-19 21:54
16 3.2K