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Creative Writing

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The Many Types of Corner Boys that exist.
09-07-12 19:31
0 392
Blossoming {Profane and Adult Nonsense}
11-06-07 17:26
9 950
Irish theatres accepting new plays?
06-07-12 19:26
0 392
Advice for an aspiring writer
04-07-12 20:24
19 1.8K
05-07-12 15:13
8 1.5K
A Love Letter - Forty Years Too Late
03-07-12 4:26
12 1.4K
Writers group in Laois/Offaly
26-06-12 18:06
4 2.1K
Mentioning real people in fiction
03-07-12 20:27
2 506
Critique my poem please
16-06-12 20:12
25 2.5K
The Write Log
02-07-12 19:10
3 627
a simple poem called vanity
30-06-12 2:04
0 479
Can anyone recommend good sites to have your writing reviewed?
28-06-12 14:12
6 907
A poem - She breathes colour
28-06-12 16:26
0 324
Would be very grateful for feedback on my writing!
27-06-12 14:14
6 695
GAA Writing
06-06-12 18:01
2 652
Improve my handwriting
20-06-12 18:47
1 592
Zack Sinclair
16-06-12 13:41
1 467
Promoting a blog.
23-06-12 1:59
0 295
The Simon Community...
18-06-12 22:53
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For whom the bell tolls.
20-06-12 18:10
0 289
Beta readers wanted 12
13-10-11 15:41
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Too late to break it gently now.
19-06-12 13:09
9 969
Writer's Idol Competition
19-06-12 16:08
0 400
Google images copyright
16-06-12 16:08
2 784
Call for short film scripts
13-06-12 16:09
2 670
Short Story
09-06-12 17:45
15 1.8K
I've been outed
13-06-12 22:36
9 1.2K
calligraphy writing
14-06-12 11:26
2 649
12-06-12 15:41
0 494
read this
10-06-12 10:44
1 678