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Console Modding

Modification and Repair of Computer Gaming Consoles.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
original xbox and xmbc?
18-03-13 9:45
1 456
mame on ps3?
16-03-13 13:32
0 431
Original XBOX Modding help (I may be in over my head)
15-03-13 15:28
3 933
all xbox360 phats can be rgh now
11-03-13 13:07
11 1.5K
quick ps3 jailbreak question?
09-03-13 12:01
4 646
R4i Gold 12
28-10-12 21:38
72 8.2K
PS3 jailbreak 4.11
06-03-13 19:40
9 990
Gamcube mods (what can be done?)
05-03-13 21:23
2 466
Slim Won't Power On - Red Light On PSU
24-02-13 19:09
13 1.1K
IHAS burner stopped working.
24-02-13 21:39
0 393
ide hdd for original Xbox
17-02-13 13:48
5 592
Return to modding - 2 broken 360s
23-02-13 12:04
1 388
Scuf Controller
23-02-13 12:06
0 324
X360USB Pro v2 with Hitachi 78 drive
20-02-13 9:20
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Surreal64 on xbox
11-02-13 22:16
1 608
PSP 1000 analog conductor
17-02-13 12:01
0 289
rgh emulators help
08-02-13 17:57
1 502
10-02-13 20:32
1 466
Play Doom 3 without upgrading PS3 software?
10-02-13 12:33
2 466
Pc vs Console modding
07-02-13 11:08
5 635
nand backup query?
08-01-13 18:34
5 581
Looking for a nand x or j-runner
07-02-13 22:11
0 282
Chipped Xbox
05-02-13 18:36
7 780
N64 control ports
06-02-13 8:08
3 356
Xbox 360 Alienware Mod
28-01-13 23:30
3 1.1K
PSP modding tips?
25-01-13 0:11
1 523
xBox 1 with Avalaunch
17-01-13 14:18
2 837
Snes Cart Conversion
22-01-13 21:14
3 1.4K
Jtag E79 error
22-01-13 14:01
1 368
Looking for 2 Coolrunner Rev. B or Cs
21-01-13 0:11
5 617