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Teach na nGealt

Comhrá, allagar agus plé as Gaeilge.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
What do working parents do during the school summer holidays? 12
18-05-17 20:27
46 5.4K
Sam Harris.
20-05-17 0:08
18 1.2K
London or Paris? 12...45
17-05-17 21:46
130 6.2K
What's the going rate for Communion money these days? 123
17-05-17 22:13
66 5.3K
what is the Coolest name for a Dog? 12...78
07-05-17 23:48
228 13K
Self checkout machines 12...56
20-05-17 16:14
151 9.7K
I hate that this muck savage has such a platform... 123
17-05-17 12:26
73 5.6K
Do you like Camel Toes?
20-05-17 10:09
16 1.4K
Old Medical records from hospital
20-05-17 9:34
22 797
Even Hollywood's latest sweetheart needs to... Punish the porcelain.
19-05-17 22:56
17 1.1K
Embarrassing things that have happened to you 12
20-05-17 2:29
45 7.6K
Incident in Times Square NYC 12
18-05-17 17:26
59 3.7K
Why are we hating all the men? 12...2425
12-05-17 21:07
728 37.7K
If you had the technology to spy on people's phones would you do it?
19-05-17 15:17
20 757
where to get the cheapest medical report in dublin?? 12
19-05-17 15:55
57 2.4K
Banana Republic 123
15-05-17 16:35
71 2.9K
Diet drinks linked to risk of stroke and dementia 12
21-04-17 16:04
47 2.7K
From Catholic Ireland to this !
19-05-17 13:21
28 1.1K
Woman sues after slipping and falling on a chip in shopping centre 12
19-05-17 10:27
55 2.4K
julian assange
19-05-17 11:28
0 2.7K
Trivial Things That Annoy You — Rules in Post #1 12...333334
19-05-17 11:16
10K 530.5K
Rental markets discriminate against men 12...56
29-03-17 7:08
154 7.4K
Why don't our prisoners work? 12...78
16-05-17 13:33
219 8.4K
Is having a gay Taoiseach really a good idea? 12...1112
18-05-17 9:43
336 17.6K
Danny Healy-Rae for `Taoiseach` move over Enda.
18-05-17 23:27
1 204
I'm fkin delighted everyone is a fitness expert and dietitian all of a sudden 12...45
09-09-16 16:46
124 12.6K
Do you know men who style their hair in a feminine manner?
16-05-17 13:53
22 1.3K
Crap Sentencing Thread 12
23-02-17 13:50
51 3.3K
How do you define someone who is Irish? (multiple choice poll) 12...3132
26-11-16 11:34
958 35.7K
Nonsense Phrases 12
17-05-17 16:39
60 2.5K