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The Ladies' Lounge

A forum to debate real life issues from a woman's perspective.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Grown Up Debs Ball
23-09-10 10:10
25 3.5K
Your face or his?
04-10-10 15:26
28 3.6K
Growing Up Talks 12
30-09-10 18:15
47 6.6K
skin health women
07-10-10 23:13
0 0
Beeline Ginseng effervescent tabs
07-10-10 9:09
2 2.1K
Self-righteous religious people & parenting
01-10-10 17:32
13 1.8K
ladies . . .worst pick up line???? 1234
29-06-10 1:26
119 19.3K
Katie Price uses being a woman as an excuse in court 12
29-09-10 13:30
51 6.3K
24-11-08 11:23
5 12K
Cost of tummy tuck?
29-09-10 10:57
16 24.1K
Dating older men!! 12
18-08-10 23:36
44 8K
people buying you drinks on a night out 12...45
12-09-10 12:35
131 17.7K
Noticing how someone smells
04-09-10 12:30
30 4.5K
Non Attendence of Mass today - did you skip it? 12
26-09-10 12:03
33 3.6K
friends... 12
07-09-10 19:31
59 6.8K
Scientists say vaginal gel cuts HIV-infections by half
28-09-10 15:33
4 853
Drink Driving, please help
28-09-10 16:55
3 1.1K
Victim blaming 123
24-09-10 15:55
83 8.6K
Do women get horny?
26-09-10 4:32
7 3.2K
If you could change things about yourself? 1234
20-08-10 15:48
118 10.7K
**Hey can i get some help with my project**
25-09-10 17:01
1 644
Why do so many girls renounce their femininity? 123
23-09-10 11:47
80 6.8K
World Suicide Prevention Day
09-09-10 21:05
8 1.3K
It's only going to get worse, isn't it? (Period Stuff) 12
19-09-10 16:30
33 4.3K
Interracial Relationship
22-09-10 18:56
4 1.3K
Talking to girls in the gym 12
25-07-10 22:24
45 9.2K
Flowers at work 12
16-09-10 20:53
58 6.6K
synchronised periods
12-09-10 21:59
29 4.4K
What is she thinking?
20-09-10 11:48
0 48
Male Strategies to defuse anger 12
16-09-10 13:12
59 6.5K