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The Ladies' Lounge

A forum to debate real life issues from a woman's perspective.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Generation M 12...45
01-09-09 11:10
124 11.5K
Spoilt Brats?
07-09-10 23:21
2 909
Enright will not contest next election due to young family.
30-08-10 14:09
18 2.3K
Male G-Strings
07-09-10 14:57
0 0
Nail care
01-06-10 17:40
15 1.7K
heart broken
07-09-10 11:57
0 0
Sisley Magazines Racey Ad - Innapropriate? 12
02-09-10 14:23
44 9.6K
decent men??? 123
21-02-10 20:00
90 14.7K
Where do you meet guys these days? 12...45
02-07-10 12:52
141 32.4K
When fbs are not a good idea
06-09-10 1:25
0 0
Compliment from strangers 12...67
29-06-10 14:10
203 23.3K
05-09-10 12:49
1 799
Holidaying alone 12
27-08-10 19:42
32 4.3K
proposals and what you remember...
21-08-10 21:35
11 2K
Ditching the cover girls
01-09-10 15:47
12 2K
Vivid dreams about older woman??
01-09-10 14:47
0 2
being touched randomly 12
26-08-10 12:22
36 5.7K
National Breast Cancer Conference, Sept. 18th
01-09-10 9:53
0 410
19 and still waiting
14-07-10 14:14
29 4.5K
Are You Superstitious? 12
13-08-10 15:22
58 4.3K
Do women find shyness in men a turn off?
31-08-10 14:30
8 2.2K
Dating someone older
31-08-10 16:03
0 67
What made you smile so big today?
31-08-10 14:53
1 544
are we getting more vulgar?
30-08-10 8:54
23 3.1K
Are many of your friends married? 123
21-08-10 13:37
64 7.9K
Women are more affected by the "beer goggles" than men.
26-08-10 16:55
22 3.1K
Deliberately spreading HIV - what punishment fits the crime? 12
17-08-10 22:35
43 4.8K
Mother naked with a child.
30-08-10 14:25
0 0
Men from various parts of the world.
30-08-10 9:57
1 626
Should the age for first smear test be reduced? 12
20-05-10 15:46
35 4.2K