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Creative Writing

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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
a short story, (c.800 words) would be interested in feedback
19-05-08 19:56
5 3.9K
Untitled Poem
19-05-08 8:52
5 702
Poem; Snowboarding
22-05-08 21:59
6 855
Another Poem for Critique
03-05-08 23:36
10 939
Not Baghdad - Poem
23-05-08 10:31
0 418
22-05-08 15:04
0 543
Script Writer Wanted
20-05-08 12:54
0 512
Stuck for an ending...
13-05-08 9:26
10 930
I'm 30, never written a thing, but suddenly feeling an urge.....
14-05-08 12:45
4 691
Short Story - 5 minutes
21-04-08 23:02
6 1K
Overcoming writer's block?
17-04-08 21:07
12 1.4K
Maeve Binchy's Writer's Club
13-05-08 7:36
0 667
Irish Writer's Centre
12-05-08 3:19
2 710
Short Story/ Personal Narrative critics encouraged
04-05-08 22:55
1 737
spam or legit?
09-05-08 12:03
0 440
Garden of Breeding
08-05-08 1:00
0 416
Please check these two sentences
20-04-08 3:23
4 893
Agent, or not?
23-04-08 15:05
2 642
25-04-08 18:25
5 747
Closing Time
15-04-08 15:00
1 480
How to get started?
01-05-08 15:20
1 509
The Misantrof Experiment
28-04-08 12:11
0 433
23-04-08 20:42
6 647
1st Chapter of a new book..would you read anymore?
02-04-08 16:19
16 2.1K
My first post - rate my poem
18-03-08 17:58
8 1.1K
Strange Feeling
20-04-08 22:30
2 654
Irish Day
20-04-08 22:32
0 442
14-04-08 19:41
8 979
What cliches and stereotypes do you hate 12
19-12-07 19:50
38 7.2K
1st Poem
16-04-08 22:24
2 542