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Creative Writing

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My second poem
19-03-08 10:03
4 653
rhythmic recount, 'a storm is coming'
16-04-08 23:46
0 484
Poem about Christmas-feedback please
14-04-08 18:53
0 512
Sonnet - I did not
11-04-08 18:37
1 597
Life Magazine
10-04-08 10:05
1 666
A poem , abuse welcomed
19-03-08 17:32
12 1.6K
Solicit This
10-04-08 10:12
1 550
Friends And Lovers
30-03-08 14:09
9 997
The life and times of mr o riordan!
09-04-08 17:29
5 564
Help Writing A letter... Please look!
05-04-08 19:09
3 702
Short Fiction, Criticism welcome.
07-04-08 22:33
0 406
just wondering...
15-03-08 22:50
2 588
Boyne Writer's Launch april 10th
04-04-08 17:50
0 406
Ah sure why not...
31-03-08 17:06
2 518
Dad do they bite?
01-04-08 23:03
0 580
31-03-08 20:15
0 425
First paragraph of a short story.Please tell me it's awful,it'll save me finishing it
26-02-08 16:02
16 1.5K
A life like mine
17-03-08 0:22
4 688
Any advice?
27-03-08 18:13
1 418
More Research Help Needed
27-03-08 15:52
0 304
Need Help with Grammar
25-03-08 11:56
3 507
Research Help
25-03-08 0:39
3 574
I wake...
26-03-08 2:29
0 469
dublin bus
20-03-08 16:13
3 670
First Chapter of THRILLER
19-03-08 11:17
4 665
The Glow of an Amber Woman
22-03-08 0:10
0 363
My fifth poem
19-03-08 10:09
10 849
First chapter for crits
18-03-08 22:18
2 471
Empty Spaces
18-03-08 13:54
2 546
My fourth poem
19-03-08 10:07
0 342