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Creative Writing

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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
My third poem
19-03-08 10:05
0 425
My first post - rate my poem
18-03-08 18:04
0 343
untitled (for now)
06-03-08 22:03
6 705
short chapter from a book i am writing
26-02-08 0:47
27 1.6K
angel poem
07-03-08 0:23
4 527
06-02-08 5:30
4 827
First poem on net... Feedback would be really great, thanks ;-)
02-02-08 23:05
20 1.5K
Copywriting work required.
21-02-08 9:30
10 1.1K
Rebirth: An Extract.
11-07-06 10:47
11 731
Anger of the world...
08-03-08 23:32
4 519
Short Ending --- Feedback Please.
07-03-08 1:52
4 462
where to go
07-03-08 22:46
2 342
First Chapter of new book. What do you think
02-03-08 3:20
6 774
Why do people think they can write?
12-02-08 14:15
7 1.2K
Opening of 1st poem - feedback please
07-03-08 12:33
0 343
The Flies
28-02-08 13:12
10 755
Publishing short stories
03-03-08 15:50
3 527
Screen writers?
27-02-08 20:04
1 456
distance learning diploma in journalism?
01-03-08 23:04
1 751
Do you need to read to write?
27-02-08 15:29
11 942
Recommend a book or other source to get started...
21-01-08 10:08
9 837
Desert Places
19-02-08 23:00
12 734
read it... just wanna share...
16-02-08 16:51
11 1.1K
Help with dialogue!
12-02-08 21:29
4 616
Literature on
15-02-08 15:51
0 359
Online learning
13-02-08 11:04
1 641
A Hero Dies Tonight
14-02-08 15:18
0 420
A short story I've been working on: "Computer Love".
29-01-08 16:03
8 1.1K
Two Old Poems
13-02-08 15:19
10 907
I am dreaming poetry again, my love
01-12-07 17:22
8 919