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Atheism & Agnosticism

Oh, we of little faith
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Roundabout ways of officially quitting religion 12
17-07-11 11:58
51 2.9K
Religious stuff you still get told to do 123
21-07-11 10:28
61 4.3K
50 Renowned Academics Speaking About God
26-07-11 22:26
1 580
A priest that I admire: Fr. Jean Meslier
26-07-11 2:07
0 535
Fired for being Atheist (?) 12...45
07-07-11 9:27
140 8.9K
"Who do you turn to in a crisis?" 12...45
21-07-11 9:20
138 8.1K
Atheism - The Core Beliefs, and Types of Atheism 12...67
08-06-11 23:40
182 9.7K
As a female posting in the A&A forum...? 12...45
20-07-11 20:03
147 7.8K
Atheism and Gender
21-07-11 0:31
20 1.9K
How do I leave Christianity? 12
16-07-11 1:28
60 4.3K
Is There Life After Death? 12...67
28-06-11 5:00
184 12.9K
Atheists Pretending to be Catholic 12
08-07-11 10:28
55 5K
God didn't make man; man made gods
19-07-11 2:10
11 1.5K
Which religion or belief is the dumbest 1234
06-07-11 11:36
100 6.8K
Religious Parents 12...56
07-07-11 16:48
169 8.7K
Ratzinger apparently to visit Ireland in 2012 123
14-03-11 14:38
63 5.8K
David Quinn's take on Cloyne
15-07-11 17:19
0 114
Educate Together - some history
14-07-11 23:38
0 556
Michael Nugent in today's Dubliner Magazine
14-07-11 22:36
0 566
Man wins right to wear spaghetti strainer
14-07-11 12:23
7 946
How long have you been an Atheist/Agnostic? 12
28-06-11 11:07
38 2.5K
UK Equality supports four Christians claiming religious discrimination
13-07-11 11:28
14 1.8K
What if god is the universe 123
31-03-11 13:55
70 6.3K
Gardai using psychics again 12
06-07-11 18:32
49 4.5K
NO NO NO Schools have to include religion classes, forum told 12...3132
24-06-11 12:05
957 33.9K
Why are more Atheists not Humanists ? 12
19-06-11 15:29
58 3.6K
Thunderfoot interviews Westboro Baptist Church
09-07-11 8:28
5 1.1K
Atheist/Agnostic view of the role of the local church 12
11-10-10 23:53
37 3K
Atheism's "Brokeback Mountain" Movie
09-07-11 1:55
10 1.1K
Recommend A Good Journalist.
07-07-11 0:13
3 670