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Atheism & Agnosticism

Oh, we of little faith
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Accommodationism vs. Non-accommodationism 12
10-08-11 18:47
32 2.7K
Kids + the facts of life
10-08-11 13:10
27 2.3K
Bill O'Reilly: No True Christian would kill Norwegians. 12...1112
27-07-11 18:50
360 23K
05-03-08 16:05
20 2K
Not very christian of them
11-06-11 15:22
29 3K
Yet another poor persecuted christian 1234
09-08-11 11:13
93 4.2K
Scientologists in Fairyhouse Market today 12...45
12-06-11 21:54
137 11K
Educated tend to be more religious
12-08-11 13:22
22 1.4K
Why Atheism Will Replace Religion 12
31-07-11 21:31
57 5.2K
Humanist Association of Ireland 12
24-09-08 22:59
40 6.9K
Humanist Wedding
09-08-11 11:10
3 1.3K
Rape and Abortion 12
07-08-11 5:26
44 3.4K
Much and all as I agree with the sentiments...
05-08-11 18:29
18 1.4K
Memorial Competition
05-08-11 20:19
0 622
short of cash?
04-08-11 21:27
11 1.1K
Is Jesus the single most important historical figure? 12
24-07-11 17:48
40 3.4K
What prevents an Athiest from seeking revenge ? 12...45
01-08-11 16:48
137 9.2K
Yee haw, jesus take the wheel
02-08-11 14:30
14 1.5K
important anouncement !
03-08-11 23:22
9 1.7K
To christen or not 12
26-07-11 23:27
56 4.9K
Cloynes Report, Christianity, etc etc 12...78
14-07-11 0:34
228 12.9K
New Statesman article
02-08-11 16:45
3 683
How would you do? :) 12
28-07-11 7:58
39 3.6K
Man from Edinburgh gets it all wrong 12
19-07-11 10:38
48 4.5K
Addiction treatment and Faith Healing 12...910
05-12-10 20:42
279 27.8K
Enda Kenny has let rip on the Vatican. 12...45
20-07-11 15:47
128 11.6K
Something from Nothing? For the kids,laymen and laywomen
29-07-11 12:22
5 836
The Life of Muhammad - BBC2 : 9.00pm 123
11-07-11 19:07
63 7.7K
Born again Christians: We have the craic, so you don't have to 123
20-07-11 21:41
80 5.4K
Is atheism considered to be a religion or spiritual?
26-07-11 21:06
24 1.9K