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Atheism & Agnosticism

Oh, we of little faith
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Anyone still awake?
02-07-11 0:36
13 1.4K
Religious gestures 12
04-07-11 13:41
48 3.3K
Davidnorris4president 12
01-07-11 17:14
38 3.7K
How long before leading politicans can admit to being atheist ? 12
05-07-11 14:38
36 2.4K
The Pill Will Kill You!
30-06-11 11:17
14 1.8K
Fighting fire with fire
06-07-11 8:21
7 674
Nonsense on life-after-death in Irish Independent. 12...67
25-05-11 19:20
183 12K
Public Poll: Parents versus non-parents 12
15-06-11 23:14
45 3.9K
What religion, if any, were you before you became an Atheist / Agnostic ? 12
15-06-11 22:39
53 4.5K
Poll: Religion as a school subject?
04-07-11 17:28
17 1.9K
Portrayal of Atheists/Agnostics in School Today and How They Were Portrayed to You. 12
04-07-11 13:05
46 2.7K
Youth Defence, Rally For Life, Tomorrow... Rage... 12...67
01-07-11 20:55
196 8.7K
Religion as a School Subject Poll Redux
04-07-11 18:44
3 546
If there was a God and a heaven and you're at the Gates, what do you do? 123
29-06-11 0:25
69 3.6K
Reasons to propose the existance of a god.
28-06-11 17:53
18 1.6K
Communion outfits when did the girls in white mini wedding dress begin
03-07-11 14:09
2 1.1K
The Blasphemy Challenge
03-07-11 20:10
1 423
Ok folks enough is enough. 12
29-06-11 23:44
48 3.6K
not sure.....
30-11-05 3:48
30 1.7K
Swearing on the bible in court
28-06-11 15:32
13 2.7K
Sam Harris Q&A (Tissues at the ready Dave!)
29-06-11 22:01
8 1K
The Most Difficult Question To A&A Members Ever..
28-06-11 11:49
28 2.3K
Islamic Imam's have begun signing a petition supporting evolution. 12...89
30-05-11 20:24
242 15.8K
"Blasphemous" Exhibition in UCC 12...45
23-06-11 15:44
138 8.8K
Kevin Myers says nice things about Richard Dawkins 12
09-06-11 21:42
38 4.1K
It's ok to say the unpleasant truths. 12
23-06-11 13:34
34 3.5K
the no religion experiment - how it turns out
04-06-11 23:20
6 1.1K
Dhimmitude in the NHS
16-06-11 18:49
6 1.1K
Score your own morality - on a scale of 1 to 10 1234
20-06-11 11:15
120 8.1K
Jerusalem rabbis 'condemn dog to death by stoning
18-06-11 20:03
24 2.6K