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Apple Devices

iPhones, iPods, iPads, Nanos - if it's made by Apple then it fits in here!
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
03-06-10 23:48
5 609
Downloaded iTunes movie not appearing on iPad
04-06-10 0:55
0 498
3.1.3 3GS jailbreak plus carrier unlock???
31-05-10 0:31
2 914
Ipod Music missing please help
03-06-10 21:35
2 394
5.12.01 unlock coming soon
03-06-10 13:12
4 612
Quick ipad question?
03-06-10 1:47
4 718
Unlocking IPhone 3Gs
01-06-10 10:26
13 942
New Apple TV model ?
02-06-10 15:04
6 863
iPad 3G - Vodafone Microsims are on the way
02-06-10 23:34
0 524
iPad - 3G model and HSPA speeds - Band(s) Clarification Needed
02-06-10 23:05
3 768
Problem Unlocking iPhone 3Gs
02-06-10 21:47
25 5.6K
iTunes free Single of the Week in Irish store
31-05-10 16:47
14 1.4K
Itouch Eircom Connection Problems
02-06-10 16:43
2 363
Looking for recommendations for video converter for Iphone/ipod
01-06-10 13:27
6 715 Application for iPhone
01-06-10 11:15
7 1K
Iphone Portable Speakers
02-06-10 10:22
1 470
How does my iPad 16GB Wifi know my location?
01-06-10 19:01
9 3.4K
change battery icon
01-06-10 22:09
0 414
looking for a battery for iphone 3g
01-06-10 1:05
2 562
Buying an iPhone for a third party (as a present)- cheapest?
31-05-10 9:23
2 711
Is a screen protector really necessary for iPhone
27-05-10 11:57
12 1.6K
best microphone for ipod for skype etc
31-05-10 11:55
2 556
Sync google calendar with iphone without syncing contacts
30-05-10 22:35
8 680
Will the new O2 €20 deal apply to Twitter/Facebook apps?
31-05-10 13:34
2 505
Water Damaged I-Phone
27-05-10 14:59
13 1.5K
is there bluetooth in ipod 32 gb ?
29-05-10 0:41
5 730
Can't upload songs to ipod
29-05-10 20:32
3 488
updating to 3.1.3 question
31-05-10 11:02
1 461
Ipad question
30-05-10 22:31
6 764
02 now stocking ipad micro sims
29-05-10 3:57
16 2.9K