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Teach na nGealt

Comhrá, allagar agus plé as Gaeilge.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Sports and Television as convenient distractions from Politics
26-12-12 10:57
30 2.1K
Expats, where are you for Christmas? 12
25-12-12 8:46
52 5.3K
Actor Charles Durning Dies
26-12-12 13:29
13 1.2K
How much weight did you put on over xmas?! 12
26-12-12 11:47
32 1.9K
FF bounce back - WTF??? 12...78
17-10-12 21:53
238 17.2K
Most boring day of the year 12
25-12-12 20:57
46 4.8K
Russian Gypsy on Nighthawks...
26-12-12 13:56
7 829
Best Christmas song on the planet. 12
20-12-12 22:18
44 2.1K
184 (52 members & 132 guests) viewing after hours
26-12-12 5:04
9 928
your doin it wrong!
26-12-12 9:08
11 1.3K
After Hours super duper mega Christmas thread 2012... 12...1011
22-11-12 15:02
305 27K
Wasting Time
26-12-12 2:01
20 1.5K
Consequences of being caught with Fake ID? 12
24-12-12 14:08
42 5.4K
Would you buy shares in an Irish Utopia?
26-12-12 2:52
5 635
Sean Quinn leaves jail at 6am to spend Christmas with family
24-12-12 15:32
19 2.3K
Do men find overweight women attractive? 123
26-12-12 0:00
88 8.3K
What size was your turkey? 12
25-12-12 19:59
36 2.2K
Would you have protected sex with someone with HIV? 123
26-12-12 0:34
86 6K
Sick of these "ugh another religion/ religion bashing" posts and threads
26-12-12 4:05
2 253
snapbacks in city
26-12-12 2:11
17 2.6K
Happy Birthday Shane MacGowan 12
26-12-12 0:30
35 2.7K
Is McDonalds Open?
26-12-12 1:00
21 4.2K
Why do most lesbians have short hair? 12
25-12-12 23:50
48 3.9K
Christmas - Award Family Photos
25-12-12 22:17
2 529
I've a load of food for homeless people, but... 123
24-12-12 19:29
75 12.8K
Just so you know
25-12-12 22:41
15 1.1K
Good Guy Christmas stories
25-12-12 22:58
12 1.1K
Girl from Dating Site Turned Out To Be Prostitute 123
25-12-12 4:34
75 12.7K
Christmas Getting Bad 123
25-12-12 1:49
69 6.5K
A good guy with a gun? 123
23-12-12 12:40
70 6.1K