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State Benefits

Anything and everything to do with state benefits.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Jobseeker's Allowance & Spouses Redundancy
27-06-09 11:09
0 302
Interviewee wanted
27-06-09 11:06
0 0
Too much PRSI?
25-06-09 0:26
1 491
Unemployment stopped as stamps ran out?
25-06-09 17:29
8 1.9K
The "How Long Are You Waiting/Did You Wait" Thread.
26-06-09 14:41
0 191
College grants
26-06-09 13:01
1 404
Recently unemployed
25-06-09 22:49
1 409
Young Persons Allowance???
25-06-09 19:04
1 451
Work and get dole?
22-06-09 10:59
8 2.5K
I used to be self employed, can I claim dole?
25-06-09 15:16
2 824
who do i complain to?
24-06-09 18:26
9 821
rent allowance on the dole
24-06-09 21:36
3 590
[Article] Financial aid scheme for parents of schoolgoing children...
25-06-09 10:48
0 413
Company director/Paye Worker... dole?
23-06-09 15:58
3 841
Got Supplementary Welfare Allowance last week - is it once off?
25-06-09 1:21
0 472
How much is the dole and how do I sign on?
17-06-09 2:16
14 5K
Non Contibutory Pension (Means Test Question)
24-06-09 17:06
0 418
Renting a house but rent allowance now reduced?
18-06-09 13:44
3 578
Payment for an ECG On Medical Card?
23-06-09 11:06
3 1.2K
Not sure what Benefits entitled to . .
23-06-09 20:27
5 1K
Domicillary Care Allowance
28-10-08 13:14
3 1.1K
How do I stop the dole?
22-06-09 9:42
6 1.7K
New to Signing on?
22-06-09 19:16
3 535
Can I claim the dole?
23-06-09 10:17
1 392
dole payment
22-06-09 21:32
3 398
Anyone else get this form?
22-06-09 17:02
1 430
social welfare visits?
22-06-09 17:13
2 670
social welfare fraud
22-06-09 18:25
0 969
unemployed to get college places.
22-06-09 10:10
3 1.5K
Passport allowance ?
21-06-09 23:37
7 600