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Pro Evolution Soccer & FIFA

PES and FIFA general discussion.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
PS2 online
28-10-05 17:07
2 600
PEs 5 [PC] Prices
28-10-05 16:50
7 494
most overlooked player attribute in PES?
28-10-05 16:15
3 695
Pro Evo5 for sale 45EUR
28-10-05 15:28
6 620
best pes player ever throughout the years
28-10-05 12:39
37 3.3K
Pro Evo 5 for pc
28-10-05 0:48
24 1.1K
Price of pro evo 5 (PC) in shop?
28-10-05 0:15
7 479
Playstation to PC Controller Adaptor
27-10-05 22:59
2 502
PS2 Verdict?
27-10-05 21:12
7 666
I need help getting PES5 online for PS2!
27-10-05 9:50
0 492
Pro Evo Soccer 5 Thread...
26-10-05 22:23
44 2K
Xbox or PS2?
26-10-05 8:37
5 573
Pes5 baby 12
25-10-05 21:44
78 2.3K
what do you like about pes5
25-10-05 11:42
5 650
what you dislike about pes5
25-10-05 11:40
8 791
PES5 vs WE9
24-10-05 22:09
3 700
where can I get a Max Drive?
24-10-05 18:53
7 548
Option files
23-10-05 16:55
3 469
Eurogamer review
22-10-05 22:19
4 536
Early Release...
20-10-05 19:10
3 856
favorate PES4 team
19-10-05 21:41
22 999
best pes player ever throughout the years
18-10-05 23:24
2 666
PES5 Commercial....which got banned already!
16-10-05 20:42
8 985
Pro Evo leagues
14-10-05 18:15
4 565
Pes5/We9 Problem
11-10-05 17:06
7 887
Pro Evo Manager
07-10-05 16:03
2 529
Problem with Pro Evo 5 Demo Expander
07-10-05 7:34
4 926
Updated Pes5 demo
05-10-05 15:10
4 882
Anyone with a link to psp we9 english option file
04-10-05 9:34
2 748
Stat tracking?
01-10-05 17:48
1 474