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Nutrition & Diet

Discuss aspects of nutrition, diet and healthy eating. Please contact your doctor or nutritionist before embarking on any new diet.
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Delaying breakfast but maintaining calorie intake.
05-03-15 14:15
20 1.8K
How long does beetroot last for?
03-03-15 13:12
1 575
Night Time Snacks
03-03-15 18:10
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Something to eat in work?
28-02-15 16:37
21 2.7K
Is there a calorie counter that's simple to use?
03-03-15 18:05
6 748
Advice on various bars for various things
28-02-15 16:55
11 1.3K
need lose a stone by April-may
26-02-15 13:46
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Diet Review
17-02-15 14:33
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herbal life
24-02-15 19:12
1 675
what is wrong with me!
23-02-15 20:07
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Dangers of low sugar?
25-02-15 18:01
2 627
Breakfast Smoothie for commute
25-02-15 18:05
0 497
Quinoa v cous cous
22-02-15 13:43
2 847
Dietary advice/ weight loss
17-02-15 18:20
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Can you eat too much fat?
22-02-15 22:10
8 1.3K
Fortified wholegrain cereals
22-02-15 22:26
0 435
Nutri Bullet 12
28-01-15 16:22
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Tasty wholegrain pasta and rice?
17-02-15 11:52
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Freezing cooked/raw foods
20-02-15 16:14
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B12 levels in milk
19-02-15 13:32
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detox plans
18-02-15 23:02
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yo chi weight loss tea
15-02-15 12:08
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What can I do?
18-02-15 22:40
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Subtotal Colectomy and stoma reversal
18-02-15 14:24
0 403
My Weightloss / Energy Diet
17-02-15 13:12
0 577
Ear to the ground - Gluten Free
16-02-15 22:34
0 505
Have a look at my diet please. Comments needed!!
12-02-15 15:44
7 1.6K
Psyllium Husks
02-02-15 19:18
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Coconut oil fad?
22-01-15 1:56
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Paleo diet
23-11-14 21:35
28 6K