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My Weightloss / Energy Diet

  • 17-02-2015 1:12pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,815 ✭✭✭

    Sorry for yet another "critique my diet" thread but I'd really appreciate people's advice and opinions here.

    I'm 30, male, with a BMI of about 28, so a little overweight which is mostly focused on my stomach. I also tend to have low energy levels. I've never gone to the gym, but I joined a few weeks ago and I've been going about 3 times a week.

    I've done some research and the diet I've come up with is based on the notion of eating 6 small meals rather than 3 big ones. Here is what I've come up with:

    2 scrambled eggs with a slice of salmon

    Morning Snack:
    An apple

    A tuna salad with chopped peppers, onions, quinoa, and chickpeas. I mix a little natural yoghurt with the tuna to give it the same consistency as tuna with mayo.

    Afternoon Snack:
    Natural yoghurt with blueberries, granola and honey

    Chicken or fish with carrots, broccoli and spinich

    Evening Snack (not later than 2 hours before bed):
    A mandarin

    This is about 1430 cals and 132 carbs. I'm concered the carbs are too high. Quinoa accounts for 21 of carbs (1/2 cup, cooked) but I really want it in my diet.

    I have tried all of these ingredients and I like them all, which is important.

    So my main priorities is to increase energy levels and keep my weight down, but I'm fairly new to eating healthy unfortunately. Up to now, it's been mostly take aways, fast food and deli sandwiches.

    Also, I'd like to get to the gym in the morning before work but I'm a little concerned the two eggs with salmon won't be enough for a pre-workout meal.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
