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Nutrition & Diet

Discuss aspects of nutrition, diet and healthy eating. Please contact your doctor or nutritionist before embarking on any new diet.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Santry calorie counting class
17-05-15 13:41
0 388
Vaccum packed striploin tesco steaks
16-05-15 22:40
1 613
What to eat before Cardio/Soccer ?
14-05-15 11:00
2 576
Trying to gain weight, need some help! 12
30-03-15 16:32
47 4K
Some advice
14-05-15 9:42
1 432
Calorie calculators - confused
14-05-15 7:59
4 477
Weird eating habits
07-05-15 23:43
4 1.2K
MyFitnessPal Alternative?
11-05-15 14:11
4 700
Earned Calories
08-05-15 9:53
8 1K
is tesco fry light olive oil cooking spray 1 cal healthy ?
08-05-15 17:30
13 4.9K
Motivation Weight Management Beacon
25-04-15 21:12
13 4.5K
Why are vegetables so good for you yet so low in calories?
22-04-15 9:24
21 3.3K
Want to gain weight
05-05-15 22:19
6 694
Meal prep advice
07-05-15 17:34
1 533
An avocado a day...
06-05-15 13:20
4 951
High calorie nutritious foods 12
01-05-15 12:19
31 2.6K
Cannot Lose Weight 123
05-05-15 11:41
61 7.1K
Two scales giving totally different reads?
29-04-15 16:00
4 813
Expert Help, where to go?
04-05-15 19:01
16 1.3K
Food sensitivity/allergy testing
03-04-15 19:18
5 1.4K
Sourcing muesli ingredients in Dublin
04-05-15 20:28
1 365
Food Intolerance Testing 123
22-09-14 11:11
62 11.7K
Diet please help
29-04-15 0:03
8 1.2K
Help with plateau.
01-05-15 11:37
8 675
Low Fat Yoghurt 12
19-04-15 22:07
34 3.5K
don't know where start help please!! - diet
29-04-15 11:22
3 699
29-04-15 12:01
0 275
Freelee The Banana Girl 123
27-10-14 14:21
68 8.8K
BMI 33 - calories per day?
28-04-15 16:51
2 553
Sugar...How much? 123
01-10-13 11:16
63 5.3K