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A place for frank exchanges of views on serious and at-times controversial topics

Teach na nGealt

Comhrá, allagar agus plé as Gaeilge.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Halloween. Your own experience 12
02-10-20 8:09
32 1.5K
rebel toasters, AI, rise of machines, IOT and all that
27-09-20 22:00
21 692
Neighbourhood Treats
02-10-20 23:02
3 282
Best Actor of the modern era? 12...1314
06-07-20 18:32
393 21.8K
Why is there ever a debate about who was the best Irish Sports person ever? *READ OP* 12...2122
22-07-20 18:25
657 28.9K
Has anyone got the flu jab yet for kids?
01-10-20 20:59
5 445
What or who Is Woke and who came up with the term?
01-10-20 23:40
17 766
Anyone get addicted to street drugs through prescribed pain relief? 12
30-09-20 11:54
57 3.1K
Forgiving/Unforgiving 12...67
20-09-20 13:20
189 12.1K
Paedophile Priest still up to old tricks
01-10-20 21:03
0 0
Former RTE producer in deep ****
01-10-20 20:08
0 0
Your favourite gif?
01-10-20 13:41
0 799
Do you think technology and social media is the evil people suppose it to be? 12
28-09-20 10:09
50 1.6K
Seemingly harmless things that people do that really annoy you
01-10-20 8:25
0 3.8K
How bad is Eastern Europe etc 12...78
15-09-20 21:30
231 18K
Funny youtube comments 12
07-08-20 20:44
54 4.3K
What have the animal luvvies got against Urban Outfitters?
30-09-20 22:45
1 133
If you could go back in time and stop Covid from happening would you?
30-09-20 20:40
10 488
How's anyone's luck in dating scene and apps so far?
29-09-20 21:29
28 1.9K
Anyone use those e-scooters? 123
28-09-20 11:39
88 4.6K
Subway sandwiches too sugary to be called bread!
30-09-20 18:14
18 1K
The human embodiment of cool 12...67
18-08-20 18:35
202 11.8K
ATM Withdrawal
30-09-20 0:44
16 1K
Lyric that will give a song away. 12...329330
30-09-20 8:43
9.9K 287.6K
Meet Cleveland
26-09-20 8:09
16 1.2K
Minimum wage - ten cents increase 123
24-09-20 19:22
68 4.1K
Virtue Signalling as a College Course 123
27-09-20 17:00
80 2.9K
I am not a positive person. 2021 is going to be worse 123
25-09-20 2:13
85 6.9K
Euromillions 12...67
10-09-19 21:22
192 22.5K
Torture, in exceptional circumstances 123
24-09-20 13:57
87 4.4K