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Teach na nGealt

Comhrá, allagar agus plé as Gaeilge.
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How well do you get on with your siblings? 12...45
17-04-11 14:52
132 12.3K
06-08-13 1:56
7 712
Need advice
06-08-13 1:10
19 1.2K
Call Me Back
06-08-13 0:31
3 592
Dating blind people 12
04-08-13 0:38
38 4.4K
Earthlings SMILE! You'r on Cassini Camera
19-07-13 17:27
28 2.6K
'Prince William charity polo match' 12
05-08-13 1:14
41 3.4K
Dealing with complete idiots... 12...1112
14-04-13 23:24
335 74.9K
were people really that guillable in the 80's? 12
04-08-13 12:25
58 7.1K
The penny has finally dropped 1234
27-07-13 11:29
112 15K
Sandy Woodward. RIP
05-08-13 17:51
5 589
Wicklow Regatta
01-08-13 23:42
12 975
Give Gardai credit card machines 1234
31-07-13 20:19
111 9.7K
Tea and Brown Sauce 12
05-08-13 1:47
34 3.2K
Hacking toilets.
05-08-13 15:13
14 1.3K
Worst album covers ever. 12
12-05-13 8:39
59 7.3K
What is your proudest moment? 1234
02-08-13 15:09
103 10.4K
Upsetting 12
03-08-13 10:15
33 3.3K
Seagulls 12
30-06-13 11:33
35 3K
West Germany Doped their Athletes and Sportsmen
05-08-13 12:21
15 1.1K
Do you feel like a part of your community?? 12
02-08-13 19:12
57 4.4K
Whats the 'worst' pet you have ever had? 123
02-08-13 21:16
68 6.4K
Irish girls fascination with rugby!!
05-08-13 2:35
16 2.3K
48 months. need their phone number
04-08-13 16:49
13 2.6K
What gave Gaybo the right to be condescending to a single mother on The Late Late 12...45
03-08-13 18:11
133 18K
Were you an alter server when you were younger? 12
04-08-13 12:15
57 4.4K
Bull Run in Pamplona, did you/would you ?? 12
03-08-13 17:20
37 2.4K
Whatever happened to the hole on the Ozone Layer 123
03-08-13 22:10
72 6.5K
What's it like to be elderly in Ireland?
03-08-13 22:11
14 1.5K
Ego vs. Being out of practice
04-08-13 15:39
17 1.5K