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A place for frank exchanges of views on serious and at-times controversial topics

Teach na nGealt

Comhrá, allagar agus plé as Gaeilge.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
What are your most desirable qualities in a partner ? 1234
24-05-21 19:32
116 9.3K
Predictive text 12
19-12-17 22:29
33 1.3K
What's your euphemistic job title?
25-05-21 20:02
21 1.6K
Ever been scammed/robbed by a close friend or family member?
26-05-21 14:20
6 538
Volunteer traffic warder reserve 12
07-05-21 19:15
50 2.4K
Why can't anyone access
25-05-21 0:41
7 605
What makes you irresistible
25-05-21 17:58
11 680
Dying in hospital
26-05-21 3:54
0 923
Worst thing that's happened to you after a night out? 123
11-05-21 17:51
73 12.3K
Do you think you're stupid 12
25-05-21 18:23
48 2.4K
The Six Counties; Is it politically correct? 12...56
23-01-12 19:41
156 12.8K
The Beautiful Poetry of Donald Trump...
25-05-21 23:27
0 200
Is there a lot of drama in your life
25-05-21 17:18
23 1.7K
WAs there anyone cooler than Al Pacino
25-05-21 19:23
15 508
Your death 12...56
25-05-21 19:38
157 11.1K
Expectations of taking paths in life
25-05-21 17:24
1 174
Was anyone here ever scammed by rogue tradesmen/cowboy builders? 12
25-11-19 18:42
53 7.1K
Chair for a Vice President
24-05-21 12:46
16 508
Formerly respected journalists and broadcasters. 123
22-05-21 10:57
75 6.2K
Pamela Flood and Ronan Ryan are back! 123
14-04-21 10:43
64 7.6K
Anti-vaxxers 12...198199
25-05-21 10:03
6K 318.1K
Marquee in the sky
25-05-21 9:52
2 155
What is the worst decision you've ever heard somebody made mafe
24-05-21 1:09
15 2K
Were the early 90's the last "real" Ireland 12...56
16-05-21 22:37
157 12.7K
I am glad I don't have
24-05-21 19:19
30 1.3K
Your age 12
19-05-21 3:28
31 2.1K
Informal dinner party - checklist
23-05-21 21:36
20 1.2K
"There is no Planet B" 12
22-05-21 22:04
42 2.6K
Dreams: meaning of this in a dream
21-05-21 2:01
10 755
When did your gut instinct save you from something bad happening?
22-05-21 12:17
1 479