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A place for frank exchanges of views on serious and at-times controversial topics

Teach na nGealt

Comhrá, allagar agus plé as Gaeilge.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
WhatsApp updated private policy - Do you care?
21-02-21 18:45
17 1.1K
"What the hell is wrong with everyone" 123
14-05-21 19:45
84 6.9K
Smells that soothe and comfort you 123
15-05-21 18:33
88 4.7K
So you can talk through your ass!
15-05-21 16:06
5 344
It's 2:34 Saturday morning...
15-05-21 2:42
18 1.2K
If you could go back in time and change one technological development in the last 150 12
12-05-21 15:41
31 1.3K
Are people able to think of nothing?
13-05-21 1:45
26 2.3K
The place has officially gone mad. €100 to get into Penneys
14-05-21 11:00
30 2.1K
Descendent of Pintman Paddy Losty located
14-05-21 16:31
0 281
Signs of psychopathy, sneakiness and general evil traits? 12...78
27-04-21 10:03
221 23.6K
Self important people throwing their weight around 1234
09-05-21 23:10
93 12.6K
Letters to patients in hospital
13-05-21 10:15
3 347
Stephen Colbert's pronunciation of his name 12
12-05-21 18:24
60 3K
Would you ever consider moving to continental Europe? And if so where? 12...1920
04-03-21 22:33
575 44.9K
Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein
14-05-21 0:05
2 505
Emoji meaning
13-05-21 21:55
21 976
The Pros and Cons of buying a Donkey 1234
01-05-21 10:19
100 6.3K
"Working" from home
13-05-21 13:26
21 1.1K
I think of retiring at 999 posts
12-05-21 17:47
15 879
Can someone please show rte journalists how to use a spellchecker?
08-05-21 7:45
20 1.2K
12-05-21 23:45
3 366
Where are all the 'E Numbers' gone from food ingredients?
12-05-21 14:51
8 516
What's the best lucky escape you've ever had 123
08-05-21 2:45
90 13.4K
Quitting a job on the first day/week 1234
11-05-21 7:37
92 11.5K
Ghosted after a few good dates 12...2223
26-04-21 11:18
663 61.5K
Joyriding 123
08-05-21 22:33
75 5.7K
Female vs Male Absenteeism in Your Workplace?
11-05-21 17:31
1 342
Strange hashtag on Twitter.
10-05-21 20:37
5 710
Transgender Kiwi Weighlifter Olympics
10-05-21 21:57
11 1.1K
It's it ok to not have an opinion?! 12
10-05-21 0:00
33 1.7K