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Foreign Satellite

For discussion of foreign satellite TV and channels.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
3 Sat best TV film award 2016
23-11-16 21:51
0 347
Canal + sport Poland - nC+
15-11-16 15:15
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In house streaming with the Vu+ Zero?
06-11-16 17:49
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Newbie with annoying questions
09-11-16 16:19
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skybox f5 channel listings
10-11-16 11:32
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Sky Q and Sky Q silver
08-11-16 19:20
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Which box to get ... Mutant or Edision?
04-11-16 16:54
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how to connect my gigablue to the internet
17-10-16 12:01
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Multiswitch quick technical question
16-10-16 11:50
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Sports add-on for Kodi Direct on Solo2
16-10-16 18:16
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Sky Italia Champions Cup Rugby
14-10-16 9:38
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Lost my German tv
10-10-16 20:14
5 351
Vu+ best images
16-09-11 17:44
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Update Satellite.xml Without FTP Access
07-10-16 11:48
7 461
Ryder Cup feed
30-09-16 17:51
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Polish tv for the misses
17-09-16 5:16
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GAA feeds 2016 12
30-01-16 19:14
99 6.1K
Hispasat 30.0 w or 40.5w
19-09-16 11:04
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TNT SAT/ receiver not configured properly/ channels still encrypted
14-09-16 15:58
2 233
Poor signal on some stations espec at night
07-05-16 16:20
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Brook v GGG 19e
02-08-16 12:48
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Ireland Oman
31-08-16 17:33
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23-08-16 10:52
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Tuner Problem
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HD + Box
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Diema Sport Live Premier League in Bulgaria
08-08-16 19:55
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Sky Germany ~ Liverpool Deal
11-08-16 9:52
1 270
No sound on Vu Solo
13-08-16 19:04
19 1.4K
16-07-14 18:04
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Canal+ Cyfrowy Poland is this same as Cyfra+ 12...1617
05-03-13 12:27
824 79.4K