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Sky Q and Sky Q silver

  • 08-11-2016 7:20pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3

    hi all

    thinking of upgrading to Sky Q boxes and need to know if u can have a sky Q Silver box and Sky Q box on same feed, atm we have 3 Sky+HD boxes on 2 dishes and need to know if this is possible.

    thanks in advance


  • Subscribers Posts: 3,703 ✭✭✭TCP/IP

    Krankei wrote: »
    hi all

    thinking of upgrading to Sky Q boxes and need to know if u can have a sky Q Silver box and Sky Q box on same feed, atm we have 3 Sky+HD boxes on 2 dishes and need to know if this is possible.

    thanks in advance

    The multiroom boxes do not need additional cabling in fact all they need is power and a HDMI connection to the TV. I was the same as you had three Sky+HD and moved to One SkyQ Silver box and that feeds the additional two multiroom boxes I have, really smart system and been able to move the multiroom boxes to any room with a TV is very handy.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,891 ✭✭✭✭The Cush

    Krankei wrote: »
    thinking of upgrading to Sky Q boxes and need to know if u can have a sky Q Silver box and Sky Q box on same feed, atm we have 3 Sky+HD boxes on 2 dishes and need to know if this is possible.

    One SkyQ 2TB silver receiver and 2 SkyQ mini multiroom receivers or One SkyQ 1TB receiver and 1 SkyQ mini multiroom receiver is what you're allowed at the moment. Only the main box is connected to a dish via 2 cables, the mini multiroom receivers are slave receivers to the main box and are connected wirelessly to the main receiver, no connection to the dish is possible or necessary. The minis can set and access recordings independently from the main receiver.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3 Krankei

    thanks for reply's

    But not really answering my question, we have 4 adults in house all with different watching/recording pattern's and really need to know if having a Sky Q Silver 2TB and a Sky Q 1TB with 2 mini's on the same feed, we have 2 dish's and it's 4 not 3 Sky+HD boxes atm, also would this reduce the number of recording channels available on the Sky Q 1TB box ?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,891 ✭✭✭✭The Cush

    Krankei wrote: »
    But not really answering my question, we have 4 adults in house all with different watching/recording pattern's and really need to know if having a Sky Q Silver 2TB and a Sky Q 1TB with 2 mini's on the same feed, we have 2 dish's and it's 4 not 3 Sky+HD boxes atm, also would this reduce the number of recording channels available on the Sky Q 1TB box ?

    Are all the Sky+HD boxes on the same account or 2 separate accounts? You cannot use the any of the existing Sky+HD boxes on the same account as SkyQ and if you move to SkyQ you lose any recordings on the Sky+HD boxes.

    If you have specific questions you can ask Sky directly here on boards via their forum -
