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Dental Issues

Questions about dentistry, teeth and gums.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Oil Pulling for treating Gum/Dental Disease 12
25-03-10 21:15
37 13.2K
27-06-12 15:32
8 934
Jaw dislocation
26-06-12 19:39
8 818
Amalgam or composite filling?
24-06-12 20:29
10 1.1K
Questions re small chip to front tooth
25-06-12 23:04
2 777
What questions should I be asking about my treatment
25-06-12 22:18
1 369
Embarassing teeth
25-06-12 22:13
9 1.2K
implants and braces
24-06-12 12:36
0 415
Endodontist in Kildare?
24-06-12 1:15
0 554
Enamel wear from teeth contact
23-06-12 23:22
0 403
Absessesed gum Antibiotics Wisdom tooth
23-06-12 22:31
0 461
Who would you recommend for this treatment..
23-06-12 17:30
3 645
Kids and braces.
22-06-12 10:09
3 768
Is my new filling compromised??
21-06-12 15:36
3 685
Root canal and crown- price?
22-06-12 16:35
2 838
Getting a new retainer and orthodontist
22-06-12 1:18
0 667
Wisdom tooth
21-06-12 15:56
2 580
Cracked Tooth?
20-06-12 0:35
2 630
Teeth Slenderizing
19-06-12 17:28
2 1K
root canal cost
18-06-12 11:44
8 3.4K
Questions about Hawley Retainer
16-06-12 0:03
1 587
pain after filling
30-05-12 16:29
1 697
Overbite help
13-06-12 12:02
2 698
Random tooth aching.
13-06-12 14:49
4 1.1K
Fillings between teeth
18-06-12 0:17
3 632
Very bad teeth
05-06-12 23:55
3 1.3K
single tooth extraction - price?
17-06-12 16:54
8 1.2K
Recommend Orthodontist in Dublin city centre?
15-06-12 16:37
0 441
Cost of a filling???
15-06-12 10:01
1 599
wisdom teeth
07-06-12 19:04
3 950