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Dental Issues

Questions about dentistry, teeth and gums.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Dental work and pregnancy?
15-10-11 22:57
3 745
Toothbrush head cover
15-10-11 14:38
0 511
Where to openly discuss dentists both good and bad
15-10-11 6:11
8 973
Tooth decay in the 25's + ?
14-10-11 1:12
6 861
Kind dentist in Galway city
03-10-11 15:21
2 845
Listerine Smart Rinse
13-10-11 23:05
3 584
dental implants on finance??
11-10-11 17:30
24 4.2K
Retainer and teeth
14-10-11 15:32
0 494
need advice please
07-08-11 18:43
11 1.8K
Dental Financial Aid
11-10-11 7:05
23 3.4K
Dental splint
04-10-11 16:13
7 971
Going North for a crown
12-10-11 9:47
6 861
Cleaning & whitening.
11-10-11 21:50
5 756
Need to get a replacement denture - what are my options?
23-09-11 11:05
17 10.8K
Denat Equipment Supplier.
08-10-11 0:13
5 910
<snip>, blanchardstown
08-10-11 13:55
5 930
dental plate on medical card ?
09-10-11 1:34
3 1.2K
08-10-11 12:16
1 851
Chip or hole on top of front tooth...
07-10-11 17:47
0 1.8K
07-03-11 19:17
5 3.5K
Dental Travel 12
27-09-11 18:51
41 6.2K
34 and afraid to smile !!!!
04-10-11 14:39
3 1.1K
Are these whitening websites legit
05-10-11 23:25
5 1.4K
Tongue Piercing
04-10-11 12:22
2 555
Bad teeth.
28-09-11 20:39
5 2.2K
School dentist
02-10-11 20:36
2 855
Teeth clicking
04-10-11 13:36
0 457
6 Month Braces
27-02-11 20:37
2 1.6K
Root Canal, travel or not?
03-10-11 12:37
4 1.1K
mouth ulcers on hard pallete emanating from sore tooth?
03-10-11 21:01
9 1.4K