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Dental Issues

Questions about dentistry, teeth and gums.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Bridgework Problem
01-11-11 10:45
0 428
Expensive popcorn - please help
31-10-11 23:48
5 863
TMJ? flare up - what should I do?
01-09-11 20:38
14 5.4K
adhesive crown
31-10-11 14:56
1 433
Post root canal problems.
16-10-11 20:01
5 869
going to the dentist with braces
28-10-11 11:37
1 447
Dental treatment
27-10-11 16:30
1 532
**mod edit** Clinic Bratislava Slovakia
26-10-11 10:37
4 917
What price?
21-10-11 3:26
30 4.3K
Braces CRISIS !!!!!
16-10-11 17:53
14 1.6K
Offer for 2 crowns-would I need other work too?
26-10-11 20:40
1 440
Tooth/Gum debridement
25-10-11 12:59
2 690
Pricing Issues with Braces
19-10-11 0:22
9 1.5K
How do I know if it's a tooth problem or a Jaw Problem?
03-10-11 10:32
9 904
Migraine post-filling?
19-10-11 20:24
3 655
porcelain fused to metal v zirconia bridge ?
21-10-11 3:14
4 849
Bridge Work
27-09-11 12:17
12 1.7K
Where to complain?
18-10-11 22:57
12 1.6K
clenching or tooth cyst?
20-10-11 8:50
2 1.1K
Ludwig's Angina
20-10-11 3:23
4 562
IS there an alternative to Braces?
18-10-11 23:50
3 963
General pricing info for dental surgery.
18-10-11 15:30
5 1K
Laser Teeth Whitening Dublin
18-10-11 21:51
0 950
2nd from Back Molar Removed.. should I replace it?
16-10-11 22:06
13 2.6K
Orthodontist/dental work in exchange for what I can do for you?
04-10-11 19:41
14 1.9K
Tooth removed - what are my options
14-10-11 14:37
5 850
Chipped bottom first molar
16-10-11 21:50
7 1.3K
Essex Clear Retainer (HELP PLEASE!!!)
01-10-11 23:05
3 820
morning bad breath
15-10-11 22:43
2 741
Dental work and pregnancy?
15-10-11 22:57
3 745