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Rip Off Ireland

How can consumers in Ireland avoid being ripped off with the current spate of euro price hikes?
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
07-12-17 10:48
18 2.4K 12
10-01-18 22:01
73 8.2K
Harvey Norman - are they really this incompetent?
11-11-19 18:24
6 2.5K
19-11-19 10:12
8 1K
Are you wise to Dunnes marketing ploy? 12
29-11-19 12:54
69 16.2K
Anyone heard of this text scam?
23-11-19 14:36
42 3.5K
Ikea customer service email
26-11-19 10:44
4 384
Supervalu voucher 10 off 50 spend with clubcard
25-11-19 16:15
6 2.1K
Going up north
25-11-19 19:17
6 543
New Gift voucher laws-5 year validity
25-11-19 18:47
0 152
refund for being given wrong sized component?
25-11-19 13:02
3 366
One For All Voucher in Tesco?
23-11-19 8:38
3 707
No cashback received from Neff cashback scheme
14-11-19 15:45
4 681
Verbal agreement - horse related.
15-11-19 16:42
5 759
Just got Clamped
15-11-19 23:25
16 2.1K
Fruit or veg that's inedible
16-11-19 12:22
7 748
Aer Card - My experience
14-11-19 16:31
3 860
No 3G or 4G on Three network since this afternoon
13-11-19 21:37
2 330
Botched home renovation job
14-11-19 10:39
10 1.1K
Boots Refund Help
10-11-19 22:57
14 1.4K
Courier delivered empty package
04-11-19 19:39
19 3.1K
Does your bank have the right to ask you about your accounts in other financial insti
12-11-19 8:41
10 884
Lost parcel - Who is responsible
26-10-19 9:45
17 2K
Vodafone issues -what do I do
23-10-19 20:16
15 1.8K
Problem with Returning stuff to amazon
13-11-19 12:03
25 2.6K
Bord Gais
11-11-19 16:34
2 366
Bord Gais - if it wasn't legit, you'd be wondering
11-11-19 15:26
8 585
Sell a US Amazon gift card
01-11-19 4:54
6 846
Shop won't deliver - can I get a refund?
01-11-19 16:17
34 3.5K
Refunds with receipt - do the HAVE to go back on same card ?
22-10-19 12:18
19 2.5K