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Rip Off Ireland

How can consumers in Ireland avoid being ripped off with the current spate of euro price hikes?
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Netflix Price Increase
19-10-19 14:02
3 664
Returning a faulty electrical item
20-10-19 20:10
11 993
Are you going to Stockpile ahead of Brexit? 123
18-10-19 20:13
103 20.9K
How to get an item delivered to Northern Ireland? Parcel Motel?
04-10-19 11:59
16 1.7K
Zamano still "at it" 123
20-01-14 16:08
104 17.8K
Ecco Traxc - Poor Soles
16-10-19 10:19
5 486
Me2You Website Down
10-10-19 8:01
6 897
Couch repair/refund
12-10-19 7:18
6 771
Hotel locking up Foyer/moving guests at lunch/breakfast...
10-10-19 8:15
14 2.4K
Currys PC World Knowhow Insurance Beware!
12-10-19 21:35
19 3.4K
Lidl customer services
23-09-19 9:35
17 2.3K
Flight Delayed By by 17 hours 23 minutes, With Two Different Excuses And Times
01-08-19 20:44
29 4.4K
Lidl Pasta Machine
10-10-19 7:53
2 679
3money scam
07-10-19 19:24
4 1.1K
Refund question
03-10-19 15:19
6 716
Am I being forced to stay on past contract?
05-10-19 16:25
6 923
New car fault repair advice
04-10-19 21:11
9 1K
Is a reputable website?
26-09-19 11:01
4 601
Terminating / Re-engaging service provider
02-10-19 12:32
10 869
An post failing to deliver
03-10-19 19:42
4 899
Private Number calling every day
10-09-19 15:28
15 3.5K
Retailer offering credit instead of cash for faulty mattress
16-09-19 23:29
22 2.6K
Petrol price rises
21-09-19 7:50
13 1.7K
Faulty cooker
02-10-19 15:14
5 331
Laptop from Company
02-10-19 14:35
4 511
Getting Old Bank Statements
26-09-19 17:35
5 625
GDPR issue in Pharmacy 1234
27-09-19 23:05
164 22.2K
Eircode doesn't match address
28-09-19 19:53
7 881
Aer Lingus flight cancelled
27-09-19 21:30
3 780
Beware completesavings / debenham
26-09-19 10:51
7 947