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Conspiracy Theories

Bizarre and not-so-bizarre stories about who really did it.

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Why the US promised strike on Syria didn't materialise......
23-10-14 14:53
3 743
conspiracy theory films 12
19-09-14 23:09
45 4.1K
Tsarnaev Brothers Were Informants
22-10-13 0:42
10 3.1K
Al-Qaida's icon cleric Anwar al-Awlaki was FBI informant
05-10-14 18:32
6 932
Fortean times and Nexus magazines free!!!
09-10-14 21:59
1 373
Isis Beheadings faked
08-10-14 20:24
14 2.1K
Chinese Coup
13-03-14 1:27
7 2.3K
Dead Bankers since start of 2014 12
07-04-14 19:47
46 6.3K
Alien Abduction 12...56
29-04-12 2:46
154 10.4K
Let's Talk Hollywood spokespeople or something bigger
27-09-14 23:58
1 446
Israeli pseudo-justification for war crimes against Gazan civilians debunked
22-09-14 21:18
11 1.5K
Mercola / Natural News as sources 12...56
14-09-14 21:02
168 7.7K
Feedback and Proposals 12...7071
04-03-09 20:54
2.1K 171.1K
All things Chemtrails
19-09-14 12:27
4 535
Was Scottish referendum rigged?
19-09-14 13:17
11 1.6K
Is 28 Redacted pages of 9/11 intelligence report protecting Israel?
22-09-14 21:12
0 179
Malaysian Flight 17 - An alternative theory 12
30-07-14 16:21
34 4.8K
Media Manipulation
23-07-14 13:57
12 1.6K
Rigged Scottish Referendum?
19-09-14 13:13
1 367
Chemtrails debunked. 12...1516
05-10-13 23:50
469 33.8K
Can someone explain this to me?
12-09-14 11:30
12 1.6K
Conspiracy to fact 123
12-04-10 3:30
67 10K
CDC Scientist/Whistleblower: We Covered Up MMR-Vaccine Data
29-08-14 21:39
18 1.6K
Irish Conspiracy Theories 12
07-08-14 21:10
54 12.4K
Operation Ore list
09-09-14 13:01
1 507
Saville & satanic ritual abuse 12...78
14-01-13 1:33
240 37.5K
ISIS and John McCain
23-08-14 13:43
2 1.9K
National Socialism and Zionism
29-07-14 16:20
4 1K
Israel to create it's own next boogey man
16-05-14 0:18
11 2.4K
Anti-Russian propaganda: Litvinenko death
22-07-14 18:49
18 2.7K