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Console Modding

Modification and Repair of Computer Gaming Consoles.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Nintendo DS/R4
17-01-10 19:54
13 3.1K
25-02-10 20:41
4 806
If you have updated to dash 8XXX or above - what can you do
25-02-10 14:10
6 798
Guide to using Xbins
24-02-10 20:21
5 875
Xbox360 USB Hdd
01-02-10 20:52
8 955
Homebrew Wii and region lock
06-02-10 22:13
15 2.9K
Random RROD 0021's since flashing iX LT or XBR...
10-02-10 4:51
17 4.2K
psp mod
17-02-10 2:41
11 939
Wii Help
20-02-10 8:50
4 585
memory card exploit
11-02-10 17:05
9 1.1K
R4 card not working
16-02-10 10:23
3 614
Xbox360 dvd drive & Dashboard query
14-02-10 17:34
5 678
Modded xbox help please quick
17-02-10 16:48
6 756
Buyying modded xbox
14-02-10 21:53
11 922
XBRebooted Console Mod
03-02-10 2:24
28 2.7K
R4 or Acekard or confused????
31-01-10 16:40
11 1.5K
Can i unbrick wii?
13-02-10 16:20
3 592
question about flashing 360- philips 83850c drive
13-02-10 2:12
10 1.8K
360 Game Updates after restoring SecData.bin
09-02-10 20:46
7 1K
Help softmodding an xbox to get xbmc
03-02-10 15:36
5 592
My X360 XBRebooted hack.
07-01-10 21:13
24 6K
2 xbox 360 2 red lights for modders
27-01-10 13:31
12 948
small mod job im thinking about.
29-01-10 14:59
9 839
Options for dash 2.0.8955.0?
31-01-10 11:35
7 2.6K
boot disc
30-01-10 20:34
9 620
Looks like the PS3 has been hacked then (no evidence yet)
23-01-10 13:15
37 3.1K
Acekard 2i on Dsi PAL?
31-01-10 1:14
1 535
Sega Megadrive 2 - 60hz & Region Switch Mod
27-01-10 18:53
4 2.3K
Original WiiKey - Modding Options
25-01-10 11:58
3 541
xbmc update went wrong,now cant boot or ftp
25-01-10 19:21
3 631